IFK Canada Summer Camp - 2024

The IFK Canada Summer Camp brought together dojos from Laval, Montreal, Mascouche, St-Fabien, Ste-Luce, Rimouski, and Ste-Anne-des-Monts in a true spirit of camaraderie and family. It was an opportunity for self-improvement during the Kyokushin grading that also took place during the week end.

Shihan Réal, Shihan Gaetan, Shihan Mike Zimmerman, Sensei François, and our guest from Russia, Sensei Sergei, generously shared their expertise in kata, kihon, kumite, and self-defense throughout the weekend. We were also fortunate to participate in a Muay Thai workshop led by Geoffrey Rivière.

The seminar was organized by Sensei Jean François and Shihan Réal. Congratulations to Sensei François, who was honored as IFK Canada's Personality of the Year. The 90 karatekas present left with many new skills. We are very excited for next year's summer camp as we will welcome IFK President Shihan David Pickthall!

IFK Aruba Spring Kyokushin Camp - 2024

Sensei Zairo Ruiz & Senpai Brian Marchena (IFK Aruba) welcomed Shihan Sean Schenker (USA IFK) & Senpai Jonathan Gonzalez (IFK Costa Rica) to lead the 2024 Aruba Spring training camp. Approximately 50 students of all kyu ranks attended this year's 4-day camp. Hard work, sweat, brother/sisterhood, memorable locations and detailed IFK training were part of the overall experience. The three integral pillars of the IFK (Kihon, Kata, Kumite) were all covered in detail and dedicated to the spirit of the IFK.

Shihan Sean Schenker (5th dan) conveyed his experience on our beautiful island and the enthusiasm which he could feel from all participants at the camp which he led together with multiple International Kyokushin tournaments champion Senpai Jonathan Gonzalez.

The camp ended with Shihan Schenker, Sensei Zairo & Senpai Brian greeting Mr. Jan Hendrik (Endy) Croes, Minister of Education & Sports of Aruba, each receiving the prestigious 4D medal of Aruba from the minister himself:

  • Desire

  • Dedication

  • Discipline

  • Determination

Organized by Tokon Dojo, this was the camp’s second year of many more to come. Our gratitude goes to Sensei Zairo Ruiz (Country Representative IFK Aruba and main instructor Tokon Dojo Aruba) and Senpai Brian Marchena (Instructor Tokon Dojo Aruba) for putting together another amazing camp!

Special thanks to Shihan Monaco for his guidance in opening the doors of the IFK to all. The USA IFK appreciated the opportunity to share with such an incredible dojo in Aruba, and we continue to look forward to making more Kyokushin memories together in the future.  OSU!


IFK Kumite Swiss Championship 2024

Last Saturday, 4th May, the Karate Club Anglikon organised this year's IFK Swiss Kumite Championships. 72 fighters from 19 dojos from all over Switzerland travelled to Anglikon to fight the winners of the respective categories in over 100 duels.

 The Anglikon dojo and its numerous helpers organised a superb tournament in the new Hofmattenturnhalle in Wohlen and the many fans who had travelled to the venue created the right atmosphere. There were many tough and fair fights at a high level, and fortunately all the fighters were able to return home at the end of the day without any significant injuries.

 We would like to thank the Karate Club Anglikon for the great organisation, the fighters for their spirit and the coaches, referees and fans who travelled with them for their support.


SEMINAR RECAP - GRAY WOLF DOJO, USA April 21 and 22, 2024

The USA-IFK was blessed to have two of the top instructors in the world in the same dojo at the same time! Students were treated to instruction by a special guest of Shihan Michael Monaco, Shihan Eddy Gabathuler of IFK-Switzerland. During the two evenings, instruction on kihon, tournament fighting and street fighting was engrained into the student through sweat and hard work. Shihan Eddy continued to press the theme, “Train Your Brain”, over and over, leaving students tired and inspired physically and mentally. Thank you both Shihan Monaco and Shihan Gabathuler for this fantastic opportunity! Osu

IFK Canada Seminar Report - April 4th to April 7th 2024

On April 3rd to April 10th we had the visit and the pleasure to attend an IFK World Seminar hosted by Shihan Eddy Gabathuler - IFK Switzerland Country Representative & IFK World Board Member. He visited the new IFK CANADA headquarters, Karaté Mascouche, based in the Province of Quebec, Canada.

This amazing and wonderful event was attended by IFK Canada Board Administration Members: Sensei Francois Presseault - Country Representative & President, Shihan Gaetan Sauvé, Shihan Real Gagnon - IFK Canada Advisors, Sensei Jean François Verreault - Treasure, Sensei Pascal Hemond - General Secretary IFK Canada and several other Sensei’s and Kohai’s.

Several Dojos from all over the United States, Province of Quebec and Ontario were represented. The event was also honored by the presence of Shihan Mike Monaco, USA Country Representative and member of the IFK World Board. 10 Dojos and over 55 participants.

Shihan Eddy landed in Montreal on Wednesday April 3rd, we took advantage of his presence over a homemade dinner to discuss Karate extensively along with several uprising projects in IFK Canada.

The action began on Thursday April 4th afternoon with a private training session at KaratéMascouche Dojo. Detailed explanations were given on physical preparation before training, explosiveness in Knockdown, and physical conditioning. Needless to say, that it was an intense session.

Thursday evening brought a surprise at Karaté Mascouche as Shihan Eddy honored us by teaching a class on the 10th Kihon and Zenkutsu Dachi to white belts. The evening continued with a private Kata training session for Sempaï Raphael Descheneaux in preparation for the IFK World Kata Championship 2024. Following this intensive session, the students received an inspiring lesson about fighting along with Kyokushin self-defense techniques. Needless to say, it was extraordinary.

The agenda continued Friday April 5 with a private session on angles in Knockdown Fighting for the Karaté Mascouche team, along with some extraordinary kicking techniques. The team left the training session highly inspired. The real program kicked off and started on Friday evening with the arrival of all members of dojos from USA and Canada. The first two hours of the seminar passed quickly, focusing on explosiveness and self-defense based on Kyokushin approach! We all left the training session highly motivated for the following day!

Saturday arrived with intensive six hours of training for all! Sunday - The final touch!

Shihan Eddy quickly set the rhythm of the day by working our muscles in the Kyokushin style. He then opened our minds, one lesson at a time, covering Kihons, Renraku from the IFK syllabus, gradations, combat, and street self-defense. It was not only highly enriching but also incredibly interesting for dojo owners who can teach it afterward. Shihan Eddy is simply a grand master in technique, teaching, and martial knowledge.

Saturday evening was spent enjoying a good dinner together with friends and family members, reconnecting friendships, establishing new connections, and strengthening the unique IFK family bond. Sunday morning arrived swiftly in Mascouche, marking the final touch training session and belt promotions of our New Shihan Mikhail Zimerman, our new Yondan – Sensei Jean -Francois Verreault, Sensei Sylvain D’Astout and Sensei Denis Lyrette. We reflected on the themes of the past hours, 10 hours of training in 3 days, focusing on Kihon, Ippon Kumite, Renraku, all from the perspective of Kyokushin for the street. Participants learned so much and were so inspired by Shihan Eddy to follow their Kyokushin path with an open mind.

Shihan Eddy and Shihan Monaco honored us by awarding Shodan, Nidan, Yodan, and Godan ranks on behalf of IFK World. The word "Family" was celebrated during these belt promotions. The quality of IFK karatekas is incomparable. Thanks to the knowledge gained under Shihan Eddy's guidance, everyone has become better martial artists, with a much broader understanding of our IFK syllabus techniques.

IFK Switzerland - 21st Budo Training Day

On Saturday, April 13th, 2024, Shihan Eddy Gabathuler, 8th DAN, organised the 21st Budo training day, which was held in the gym in Felsberg. The training was organised as usual: 9.30 to 11.30 am Kihon and test combinations in groups, 12.30 to 14.30 pm Katas in groups and from 16.30 to 17.00 pm combat training and fighting in two groups. These were divided into over and under 16-year-olds. The following Karatekas acted as Instructors:

 - Shihan Rolf Imhof, 5th DAN

- Sensei Fritz Trautmann, 4th DAN

- Sensei Barbara De Patre, 4th DAN

- Sensei Dominic Frey, 3rd DAN

- Sensei Walter Kösters, 3rd DAN

- Sensei Mirco Furger, 3rd DAN

 A total of 56 Karatekas from seven IFK Switzerland Kyokushinkai Dojos - from Ilanz, Mörschwil, Oftringen, Strengelbach, Wettingen, Wohlen and Chur - took part in the training sessions. We would like to thank the Instructors and Karateka’s for their attendance, the great atmosphere and their hard work. We hope to see you again in 2025 - OSU.


IFK Swtizerland - Pilatus Cup 2024

On Saturday, 23 March 2024, the Kriens Karate School held the international Pilatus Cup in the disciplines of Kata and Kyokushinkai for the 23rd time. 104 competitors from a total of 12 dojos in Switzerland took part, as well as one delegation each from Wales, Germany and Belgium. The karateka were aged between 8 and 21. With the support of its loyal helpers, the Kriens Karate School was able to organise and run a successful tournament to promote young talent. Congratulations to all the karateka and a huge thank you to all the helpers, referees, coaches and spectators.

The 13th IFK Uruguay Summer Camp

The 13th IFK Uruguay Summer Camp was held on March 8-10, 2024 in Salinas, Canelones, Uruguay. 

55 karatekas from all the IFK Uruguay dojos and a team from IFK Brazil gathered once again to train together under the guidance of this year Camp´s instructors: Shihan Janine Davies (Head of the IFK Kata Committee), Shihan Jeovaldo Barreto (IFK Brazil Country Representative), and Shihan Germán Carballo (IFK Uruguay Country Representative). 

The Camp started on Thursday evening, with stretching and makiwara exercises guided by Shihan Carballo in the forest. Kiais resonated throughout the whole complex and were the perfect start for the camp setting the mood for the following days.


We woke up well before sunrise on Friday and trained renraku and self defense moves on the beach with Shihan Carballo; enjoying the view of a beautiful sunrise. Shihan Davies led the following two sessions where she, as the great master that she is, guided everyone through complex katas in such a way that even red belts could follow katas they´ve never done before. One session took place at the beach and the other one indoors. The first part of the Kuro Obi exam took place between these two training sessions, with two karatekas who gave their best as candidates for their 1st Dan grade.

The day ended with an evening session led by Shihan Barreto, in which he shared all his knowledge and experience as a kumite fighter teaching us several of his signature kicks and combinations.     


Saturday also included 4 training sessions, 3 focussed on kata with Shihan Davies and 1 on kumite techniques with Shihan Barreto. The evening kata session was for brown and black belts only, but many of the lower grades were so excited that they asked for permission to watch the class!

Sunday was the last day of our Summer Camp. Shihan Davies led the kata session before breakfast; and the last one was - as always - the kumite session, with the 20-kumite-test for the two kuro obi candidates. The Summer Camp ended with the Instructors' speeches, presenting everyone with their attendance certificates and stamped passports; and congratulating the two new IFK Uruguay Kuro Obis. After the sayonara lunch, everyone returned home. 

A special session was held at night at the Hombu Dojo with kuro obis from Uruguay and Brazil led by Shihan Janine Davies; during which she shared her best tips, tricks and techniques to work on specific sections of difficult katas to help us reach the highest level possible. A barbecue was held afterwards at Shihan Carballo's home where we just relaxed and enjoyed each other's company, stories and anecdotes. 

The Brazilian team returned home on Monday, and we did a little sightseeing with Shihan Janine who joined us in our traditional post-camp stretching session on Monday at the Hombu Dojo. She flew back home on Tuesday afternoon.

We started with the Camp with three countries, three different mother tongues, and one common language: Kyokushin.... by the end of the Camp we added friends to that list! 


We want to thank everyone who helped with the organization and those who attended the camp (either training or not). Every Summer Camp is special, but this for sure will be a hard one to forget!

Whilst this Camp has just ended, we are already working towards the next one; see you in 2025!


5th Annual United States International Kyokushin Championships

Osu! 2024 has got off to a great start for the USA-IFK Kyokushin on Saturday, January 27th with the 5th Annual United States International Kyokushin Championships! The tournament venue was the world famous Tropicana Hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

It was an awesome day of competition and camaraderie and a great turnout with competitors coming from all over the United States and other countries. There were participants from 51 dojos, 22 organizations, 15 states plus Washington DC, and 7 countries including Aruba, Canada, Costa Rica, Germany, Mongolia, and Poland.

On behalf of USA-IFK President Shihan Mike Monaco (8th dan) and Chairman Shihan Sean Schenker (5th dan) we would like to thank all the competitors, spectators, along with the officials, staff, and members of our USA-IFK family for their support. No event of this magnitude happens without the help of those both in front of and behind the scenes. A big OSU to all of you! We also want to once again thank our special guest Shihan Ted Oyama! OSU!

5th Annual United States International Kyokushin Championships

Knockdown Results

FK-01 Male Lightweight Division (-70kg)

1. Jack Dunphy USA IFK-Fighting Spirit Dojo

2. Daymar Brown USA Zhang Sah Martial Arts

3. Ramazan Isliamov USA Kyokushin Fight Club

FK-02 Male Middleweight Division (-80kg)

1. Jack Sweeney USA IFK-S&S Fitness & Martial Arts

2. Sebastian Bonislawski USA Kanku Dojo

FK-04 Male Super Heavyweight (+89kg) Division

1. Jonathan Gonzalez Costa Rica IFK Martial Arts and Training Center

2. Hannes Drechsler Germany IFK Germany

3. Harun Abdur-Rahim United States IFK-Endicott Kyokushin Karate

4. Andronov Vyacheslav United States Dallas Kyokushin Karate

FK-06 Female Heavyweight Division (+60kg)

1. Audrey Bartholomay USA IFK-S&S Fitness & Martial Arts

2. Alanna Olive-Smith USA Capital Kyokushin-Kan

3. Jessica Krause Germany IFK Germany

Female Lightweight Division

1. Jessica Krause Germany IFK Germany

2. Lyric Schenker USA IFK-Fighting Spirit Dojo

FK-08 Male Veterans Middleweight Division (-85kg)

1. Ociesielski Marek USA Seiken-Dojo

2. Kevin Felix USA James Dojo

FK-08A Male Seniors Middleweight Division (-85kg)

1. Tomasz Puzon Poland IKO Nakamura

2. Luigi Fioravanti USA Central Florida Kyokushin

FK-09 Male Veterans Heavyweight +85 kilos

1. Robert Grant USA Forge Dojo

2. Shemallian Arrieta USA Central Florida Kyokushin

3. Jaroslaw Kurowicki USA Seiken-Dojo

IFK India - 2nd International Open Full Contact Karate Championship 2024

The 2nd International Open Full Contact Karate Championship 2024, organized by IFK India at Guwahati's TA Indoor Stadium, in Assam, India, was held on January 6th and the 7th, 2024. All participants displayed remarkable skill and expertise across diverse age and weight categories. The event's seamless execution underscored its significance in the Kyokushin community.


Kumite Boys Under 5 years.

1st :- Bhagyansh Chaudhary

2nd :- Uvwan Kunwar

3rd :- Danish Haloi

Kumite Boys Under 7 years.

1st :- Piush Tamang

2nd :- Ronav Pratim Borah

3rd :- Arinjoy Sharma

Kumite Boys Under 9 years.

1st :- Nipul Sonar

2nd :- Satyam Sharma

3rd :- Jyotishman Hazarika

Kumite Boys Under 11 years.

1st :- Adriano Kuli

2nd :- Abhigyan Upadhya

3rd :- Gitartha Baruah

Kumite Boys Under 13 years.

1st :- Sajish Bhujel

2nd :- Devarsh Rajkonwar

3rd :- Anuraj Chetry

Kumite Boys Under 15 years.

1st :- Ayush Chetry

2nd :- Bhibon Phukan

3rd :- Ashutosh Jaiswal

Kumite Boys Under 17 years.

1st :- Dinesh Bham

2nd :- Bibek Bardewa

3rd :- Boten Tani Doley

Kumite Senior Boys Below 55kgs.

1st :- Gifor Klein

2nd :- Narayan Praja

3rd :- Shaiphyrkat Halai

Kumite Senior Boys Below 60kgs.

1st :- Resham Tamang

2nd :- Purna Gurung

3rd :- Ranojay Dey

Kumite Senior Boys Below 70kgs.

1st :- Bikram Acharya

2nd :- Francis Makri

3rd :- Akash Sen

2nd International Open Full Contact Karate Championship 2024.

Organized by IFK India.

Kumite Girls Under 5 years

1st :- Susmita Roy

2nd :- Navya Bora

3rd :- Tejaswini Chhotary

Kumite Girls Under 7 years

1st :- Kiron Chhota Ray

2nd :- Sanvi Lahon

3rd :- Abha Gogoi

Kumite Girls Under 9 years

1st :- Kristi Lahon

2nd:- Krittika Talukdar

3rd :- Mridini Patowary

Kumite Girls Under 11 years

1st :- Darshee Mazumdar

2nd :- Lebo Sema

3rd:- Prachi

Kumite Girls Under 13 years

1st :- Madhuri Gogoi

2nd :- Anuchika Upadhyay

3rd :- Pratima Chetry

Kumite Girls Under 15years

1st :- Sharawati Sharma

2nd :- Bondita Upadhya

3rd :- Shreya Mukherjee

Kumite Girls Under 17 years

1st :- Sibani Ale Magar

2nd :- Dikshya Magar

3rd :- Anushka Kumari

Kumite Senior Girls Under 55kgs

1st :- Anisha Tamang

2nd :- Priyanka Prasad

3rd :- Khushi Sonar

Kumite Senior Girls Under 65kgs

1st :- Kipile Chetry

2nd :- Maghirita Klein

3rd :- Nishu Tamang

The 31st American International Karate Championship

The 31st American International Karate Championships were held on Saturday, November 11th, 2023 in Holley, New York.  This renowned event is hosted by Shihan Michael Monaco (8th dan) and supported by the USA-IFK Kyokushin organization. Held annually, the AIKC attracts competitors from around the United States and Canada, as well as other countries.  This years tournament saw more than 250 competitors competing in kata, weapons, semi-contact (knockdown rules with equipment), and knockdown. There were more than 750 spectators there to cheer them on.


No tournament is successful without the help of volunteers. USA-IFK President, Shihan Michael Monaco and AIKC Tournament Director Sensei Karl Biedlingmaier, wish to thank the multitude of volunteers who helped behind the scenes and made it all possible. We also wish to thank the many martial arts schools and organizations that continue to support the American International Karate Championships every year.


Coming up next for USA-IFK Kyokushin will be the 5th Annual United States International Kyokushin Championships on Saturday, January 27th, 2024 in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA. Online registration will open soon. Visit uskyokushin.com .

Yerevan Open Cup 2023

An international open tournament in Kumite and Kata will be held in Yerevan, Armenia, on December 23, 2023, for children, girls, juniors, men, and women.

The competition of the participants in KUMITE will be held into age and weight categories of boys and girls 6-7-year-old children 8-9-year-old children, 10-11-year-old children, 12-13-year-old juniors, 14-15-year-old juniors 16-17-year-old juniors, and 18 + year-old men and women.

Participants in KATA will be divided into the following age categories: 6-7-year-old children, 8-9-year-old children, 10-11-year-old children, 12-13-year-old juniors, 14-15-year-old juniors, 16-17-year-old juniors, 18 + year-old men and women.

The preliminary applications are admitted up to 10 December 2023

Address: Yerevan, str.Estonakan 12/1

E-mail: info@kyokushin.am

Telephone numbers: (+374 94) 40-42-45.

The following order is an official invitation to participate in the Tournament of the Armenian Kyokushin Karate Federation.

President Shihan Andranik Hakobyan

28th IFK Kumite Weekend - Switzerland

The traditional Kumite Weekend was held in Graubünden/Switzerland from Friday to Sunday, 3rd to 5th November 2023. The instructor was Senpai Jonas Rosin, 2nd DAN IFK from Sweden, and a karateka who is currently IFK World and European Champion.

A total of 93 Karatekas from the IFK Dojos Anglikon, Ilanz, Kriens, Mörschwil, Obwalden, Oftringen, Strengelbach, Wettingen, Wohlen and Chur had registered. Karatekas from the friendly Dojo Mori Karate Dojo Fu Rin Ka Zan, from SKK Dojo Ebikon and from Kyokushin-Kan Trimmis and Wädenswil also took part.

The Friday and Sunday training sessions were held at the Dojo in Chur. The three training sessions on Saturday were held in the gym in Felsberg. The focus was on fighting. It was not only about the "how" but also about the "why". Senpai Jonas knew how to organise interesting, knowledgeable and varied training sessions.

We thank him for finding his way to Switzerland – ありがとうございました.


5th IFK South American Championships

IFK Brazil hosted the 5th Edition of the IFK South American Championships with many federations working together to unite fighters under the same goal of becoming regional champions.

We thank Country Representative Shihan Jeovaldo Baretto and his team for all their hard work.

IFK Hungary Seminar with Shihan David Pickthal

IFK Hungary held a 3-day seminar with Shihan David Pickthall between 11th and 13th of October, from Wednesday to Friday. Through these days more than a hundred people trained under the leadership of Shihan David's. The visit was really important for Hungary because Shihan David was last there in 2017. Since then not only VTSE but the whole Hungarian team has developed, in terms of skills and number of their members. Last year 4 more clubs and many coaches joined the organization, so it was also important to meet with them. 

On Wednesday, Shihan Bőke Béla CR and his team (Club VTSE) welcomed Shihan David in their dojo in Zámoly. There was a traditional technical training focused on warm up as many children and lower grades attended, also tried some useful combinations for fighting skills. 3 of the black belts officially received their 2nd - 3rd dan belts and diplomas as a result of their summer grading. 

On Thursday, Shihan travelled to Jászberény and Nagykáta where Sensei Agócs Tibor (Club Yakuzák SE / Y Akadémia) showed his amazing dojos. During the day, the Nagykáta dojo was officially opened within a ceremony where several prominent people from Hungary attended. Finished the day with a great training in the new dojo.

On Friday the last training was held in Székesfehérvár, "Harinezumi Dojo" where higher master katas were summarized with some black belts.

Hungarian Championships for Children, Juniors and Adults 2023

IFK Hungary took part on the Hungarian Championship for Children, Juniors and Adults with 35 fighters from 5 dojo on October 14th. Sensei Kreitl Péter and Senpai Gudmon Gábor were IFK Hungary's delegated referees. At the end of the competition IFK Hungary came away with 8 winners, 8 silver medalists and 13 bronze medalists. Here are the results:

First place:

Reichert Hanna (VTSE)

Kuti Jázmin (VTSE)

Reichert Jázmin (VTSE)

Szőke Zalán (Yakuzák SE/Y Akadémia)

Notheisz Janka (Yakuzák SE/Y Akadémia)

Kántor Viktória (kumite+kata) (VTSE)

Kerekes Réka (Yakuzák SE/Y Akadémia)

Gondos Gergő (Yamato SE)

Second place:

Somogyi Attila (VTSE)

Nagy-Dobondi Eszter (VTSE)

Faludi Kincső (Bonyhádi Oyama SE)

Lendvai Réka (VTSE)

Králl Máté (VTSE)

Nyitrai Noel (Bonyhádi Oyama SE)

Bangó Krisztián (Yakuzák SE/Y Akadémia)

Szalókiné dr. Petróczki Ildikó (Yakuzák SE/Y Akadémia)

Third place:

Somogyi Bence (VTSE)

Solymosi Zora (VTSE)

Bódis Bence (VVHTSE)

Béres Bence (VVHTSE)

Csáki Noel (Yakuzák SE/Y Akadémia)

Balogh Zsombor (Yakuzák SE/Y Akadémia)

Beck Flórián (Bonyhádi Oyama SE)

Koczó Karina (VVHTSE)

Palásti Krisztián (Yakuzák SE/Y Akadémia)

Solymosi Sára (VTSE)

Lukács Eszter (VTSE)

László Sára (VTSE)

Gelencsér Barnabás (VTSE)

Finished in the best 8: Viszugyel Bálint (VTSE), Bakonyi Lili (VTSE), Nagy Kornélia (Yakuzák SE/Y Akadémia) Nagy Daniella (VTSE), Szarvas Boglárka (Yakuzák SE/Y Akadémia) and Demeter Roland (VVHTSE).

IFK Bolivia Technical Update Course 2023

In Bolivia, an IFK Karate update course took place on September 30th and October 1st, featuring the special visit of Shihan Germán Carballo from Uruguay.

This course was held in the Department of La Paz, in the city of El Alto, at an altitude of over 4050 meters above sea level. We had the participation of 40 enthusiastic students who had the valuable opportunity to learn from Shihan German during the two days of the course.

On Saturday, we began our activities in the morning, focusing on Kihon techniques and fundamental stances. In the afternoon, we progressed through the Syllabus, covering from the 6th Kyu to the 1st Kyu.

On Sunday morning, we practiced the Renrakus. In the afternoon, starting at 2:30 PM, a rigorous evaluation was conducted in which 7 candidates underwent the examination to attain the rank of 1st Dan. It was a challenging examination that extended until 6:30 PM, and in which 6 of the participants managed to pass.

To conclude this successful course, all students participated in kumite, which took place from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

IFK Bolivia is committed to implementing the IFK Kyokushin program, and we are deeply grateful for Shihan Germán Carballo's generous willingness to visit us.

Report by Abraham Meruvia, IFK Bolivia