National Referee Course of IFK Switzerland 2025

On Saturday the 15th of February the IFK Switzerland held its first national course for referee and judges. 53 brown and black belts took part and were able to improve their knowledge and skills.

In the beginning there was an interactive quiz about the rules and reglulations of Kumite and Kata. Afterwards there was an analysis and discussion of past fights and the challenges of refereeing Kumite. There was also a practical refresher and reminder of the importance of clear signaling by the judges. In the afternoon we watched and discussed kata performances from the last world championship and the challenges of marking high quality katas.

We thanks our referee committee for their innovative and interesting teaching and upholding our high standards of refereeing.

Switzerland 29th Kumite Weekend - November 01st to 03rd, 2024

From Friday to Sunday, November 01st to 03rd, 2024, Shihan Eddy Gabathuler, 8th DAN, organised the 29th Kumite Weekend. Sensei Masaki Fujii, 3rd DAN from Kenbukai Kyokushin Karate in Tokyo, was invited as a guest instructor.

A total of 84 karatekas from 14 dojos, who had travelled from five organisations and three countries, met for the training event. On Friday and Sunday, one training session was held in the Chur Dojo and on Saturday three training sessions were held in the Gymnasium in Felsberg.

Sensei Masaki belongs to the last generation of students of the late Tsuyoshi Hiroshige Shihan (who trained the Shihan's Kenji Midori, Kenji Yamaki, Kazumi Hajime, Masayoshi Takaku, Tetsuya Iwasaki, Tsukamoto Norichika, Masahiro Kaneko etc.).

In terms of fighting, Sensei Masaki has an impressive track record as a 4-time Japanese Champion (Kyokushin Kan) and Vice World Champion of the Kyokushin World Union (KWU) in the heavyweight division. He also played rugby in New Zealand for three years.

His teaching was very rich, as his karate practice is interspersed with numerous physiotherapy exercises that allow body concepts to be better integrated into karate. The three-day course was very rich in information and specific exercises such as:

  •        The role of the five lumbar vertebrae.

  •        The descent of consciousness into the tanden.

  •        The mobility of the spine and its use in generating movements in the execution of the technique.

  •        The acquisition of a strong structure and its use in combat.

Many thanks for the instructive lessons and the opportunity for this close collaboration between the Organisations Kyokushin Kenbukai Karate and IFK Switzerland Kyokushinkai - OSU.

IFK Switzerland Summer Camp 2024

The annual IFK Switzerland Kyokushinkai summer camp was held from July 20th to 23rd at the Schlossfeld Sports Complex in Willisau. This year, we were honored to have Shihan David Pickthall, 7th DAN and President of the IFK, as an instructor and special guest. Over 90 Karatekas from 15 Dojos gathered to benefit from Shihan David's expertise and the presence of all the Swiss Shihans.

The training sessions were organized by belt color to help participants consolidate their existing knowledge while challenging them with new concepts and techniques. Classic Kihon sessions were complemented with innovative methods to enhance both physical and mental flexibility. Higher grades particularly benefited from Bunkai training, deepening their understanding of the practical applications of Katas. Our national Kata team also prepared intensively for the upcoming world championships in October. Additionally, a referee course on Kata was conducted on Sunday evening by our referee committee.

Among the many training activities, the 30-man Kumite on Monday afternoon stood out as a crowning finale. Participants applied their newly acquired skills in this rigorous and thrilling challenge.

Despite the intense summer heat, the camp was filled with laughter, camaraderie, and the cultivation of both old and new friendships. The Sayonara Party, with a "Black and White" dress code, showcased some newfound talents and evoked a few tears as the camp came to a close.

We reflect on an instructive, sweaty, occasionally painful, but always motivating summer camp filled with great atmosphere and camaraderie. We eagerly anticipate next year's camp, scheduled for July 19th – 22nd, 2025.

Thank you to all who participated and contributed to making this event a remarkable success. See you next year! Osu!

IFK Kumite Swiss Championship 2024

Last Saturday, 4th May, the Karate Club Anglikon organised this year's IFK Swiss Kumite Championships. 72 fighters from 19 dojos from all over Switzerland travelled to Anglikon to fight the winners of the respective categories in over 100 duels.

 The Anglikon dojo and its numerous helpers organised a superb tournament in the new Hofmattenturnhalle in Wohlen and the many fans who had travelled to the venue created the right atmosphere. There were many tough and fair fights at a high level, and fortunately all the fighters were able to return home at the end of the day without any significant injuries.

 We would like to thank the Karate Club Anglikon for the great organisation, the fighters for their spirit and the coaches, referees and fans who travelled with them for their support.


SEMINAR RECAP - GRAY WOLF DOJO, USA April 21 and 22, 2024

The USA-IFK was blessed to have two of the top instructors in the world in the same dojo at the same time! Students were treated to instruction by a special guest of Shihan Michael Monaco, Shihan Eddy Gabathuler of IFK-Switzerland. During the two evenings, instruction on kihon, tournament fighting and street fighting was engrained into the student through sweat and hard work. Shihan Eddy continued to press the theme, “Train Your Brain”, over and over, leaving students tired and inspired physically and mentally. Thank you both Shihan Monaco and Shihan Gabathuler for this fantastic opportunity! Osu

IFK Canada Seminar Report - April 4th to April 7th 2024

On April 3rd to April 10th we had the visit and the pleasure to attend an IFK World Seminar hosted by Shihan Eddy Gabathuler - IFK Switzerland Country Representative & IFK World Board Member. He visited the new IFK CANADA headquarters, Karaté Mascouche, based in the Province of Quebec, Canada.

This amazing and wonderful event was attended by IFK Canada Board Administration Members: Sensei Francois Presseault - Country Representative & President, Shihan Gaetan Sauvé, Shihan Real Gagnon - IFK Canada Advisors, Sensei Jean François Verreault - Treasure, Sensei Pascal Hemond - General Secretary IFK Canada and several other Sensei’s and Kohai’s.

Several Dojos from all over the United States, Province of Quebec and Ontario were represented. The event was also honored by the presence of Shihan Mike Monaco, USA Country Representative and member of the IFK World Board. 10 Dojos and over 55 participants.

Shihan Eddy landed in Montreal on Wednesday April 3rd, we took advantage of his presence over a homemade dinner to discuss Karate extensively along with several uprising projects in IFK Canada.

The action began on Thursday April 4th afternoon with a private training session at KaratéMascouche Dojo. Detailed explanations were given on physical preparation before training, explosiveness in Knockdown, and physical conditioning. Needless to say, that it was an intense session.

Thursday evening brought a surprise at Karaté Mascouche as Shihan Eddy honored us by teaching a class on the 10th Kihon and Zenkutsu Dachi to white belts. The evening continued with a private Kata training session for Sempaï Raphael Descheneaux in preparation for the IFK World Kata Championship 2024. Following this intensive session, the students received an inspiring lesson about fighting along with Kyokushin self-defense techniques. Needless to say, it was extraordinary.

The agenda continued Friday April 5 with a private session on angles in Knockdown Fighting for the Karaté Mascouche team, along with some extraordinary kicking techniques. The team left the training session highly inspired. The real program kicked off and started on Friday evening with the arrival of all members of dojos from USA and Canada. The first two hours of the seminar passed quickly, focusing on explosiveness and self-defense based on Kyokushin approach! We all left the training session highly motivated for the following day!

Saturday arrived with intensive six hours of training for all! Sunday - The final touch!

Shihan Eddy quickly set the rhythm of the day by working our muscles in the Kyokushin style. He then opened our minds, one lesson at a time, covering Kihons, Renraku from the IFK syllabus, gradations, combat, and street self-defense. It was not only highly enriching but also incredibly interesting for dojo owners who can teach it afterward. Shihan Eddy is simply a grand master in technique, teaching, and martial knowledge.

Saturday evening was spent enjoying a good dinner together with friends and family members, reconnecting friendships, establishing new connections, and strengthening the unique IFK family bond. Sunday morning arrived swiftly in Mascouche, marking the final touch training session and belt promotions of our New Shihan Mikhail Zimerman, our new Yondan – Sensei Jean -Francois Verreault, Sensei Sylvain D’Astout and Sensei Denis Lyrette. We reflected on the themes of the past hours, 10 hours of training in 3 days, focusing on Kihon, Ippon Kumite, Renraku, all from the perspective of Kyokushin for the street. Participants learned so much and were so inspired by Shihan Eddy to follow their Kyokushin path with an open mind.

Shihan Eddy and Shihan Monaco honored us by awarding Shodan, Nidan, Yodan, and Godan ranks on behalf of IFK World. The word "Family" was celebrated during these belt promotions. The quality of IFK karatekas is incomparable. Thanks to the knowledge gained under Shihan Eddy's guidance, everyone has become better martial artists, with a much broader understanding of our IFK syllabus techniques.

IFK Romania National Kata Seminar

On the weekend of 29.09-01.10.2023, a National Kata Seminar took place at Tg. Jiu, under the auspices of IFK ROMANIA - the Knockdown Karate Federation organized by the Brandt Dojo Sports Club where 100 athletes participated under the guidance of Shihan Eddy Gabathuler 8 Dan from Switzerland. It helped us in preparing the Romanian team for next year's World Kata Championship in London. At the end of the Seminar we were happy with the promotion of Shihan Christian Hirsch to 5th Dan and Sensei Ștefan Straut to 4th dan. Thanks to the IFK international board for the promotion and the trust granted! Thanks to Shihan Eddy Gabathuler 8 Dan for all the support and the National Kata Seminar! Congratulations to the organizers team, to Senpai Marian Brandt, to all the IFK ROMANIA participants and to Senpai Roxana Tudor with her team WAKU ROMANIA (member of KWU ROMANIA since 2017) as we are delighted to have them with us, Osu!

IFK-DAN Seminar 2023 in Switzerland

On Saturday, January 7th, 2023, the annual DAN-Seminar took place in the Dojo Wohlen. After many varied and exciting seminars, this year it was time to put the focus back on our roots - the basic techniques of the examination program. More than 40 Yudansha's of IFK Switzerland accepted the invitation to spend a day intensively dealing with the basic pillars of Kyokushinkai Karate.

After a brief theoretical introduction, we quickly got down to business. In the morning, Shihan Anton Gansner, 6th DAN, discussed techniques and levels of the Kihon, explained functions, eliminated errors that had crept in over the years and fine-tuned subtleties. After the lunch break, under the direction of Shihan Eddy Gabathuler, 7th DAN, attention was paid to the Ippon- and Sanbonkumites as well as some Renraku's and their use in partner exercises. At the end, difficult and critical points were shown in the katas by Shihan Dolores Emmenegger and Shihan André Emmenegger, both 5th DAN, and the correct applications were conveyed.

It was a very instructive day and everyone present took away a lot of old and new knowledge with the hope that they would pass this on to their students in the dojo.

We would like to thank our highly motivated instructors for the valuable knowledge transfer and that we were able to carry out the DAN seminar in the dojo of the Wohlen Karate Club - OSU.

IFK Kumite Swiss Championship 2022

On Saturday, November 19th, the IFK Kumite Swiss Championship 2022 took place in Chur. A total of 78 Karateka’s from 17 dojos took part in the tournament.

 In the morning and afternoon, the participants started in different categories: Juniors, Novice and Elite. Congratulations to all participants on their great achievements!

A big thank you to all participants, referees, helpers, coaches and spectators for the work they did and the exemplary discipline. Together we were able to bring Karateka’s from different full-contact karate organizations to the tatami across organizations and thus hold worthy championships while at the same time focusing on Kyokushinkai karate with its values such as respect, fairness, mutual acceptance and friendship.

IFK Switzerland Summer Camp

From the 23rd till 26th The IFK Switzerland summer camp took place in July at the sports center in Willisau.

97 athletes from 11 dojos and ages 8 to 66 set off to deepen their knowledge of Kihon, Kata, and Kumite in groups and under the expert guidance of various Sempais, Senseis and Shihans. The weather was good for the camp and so they sweat a lot. Everyone could benefit from new training methods and ideas and expand their knowledge.

All brown and black belts were also given the opportunity to expand their skills as part of a refereeing course on Sunday evening.
On Monday afternoon, like every year, a 30-man Kumite took place, with big and small fighting each other with much respect and spirit. In the evening, the reward was followed by the Sayonara Party – which also marked the 25th anniversary of IFK Switzerland this year. So Mr. and Mrs. Karateka threw themselves in the bowl and spent the evening with great food and good company. The examiners organized a supporting program, which was varied and amusing throughout the evening. In addition, many old and newer photos have highlighted the highlights of the last 25 years.

After a final training on Tuesday morning and the graduations, the training camp, unfortunately, came to an end again.

We congratulate all the students on their performance:

Kohai Maximilian Blum, 2. Kyu
Kohai Lea Weber, 2. Kyu
Kohai Angela Egli, 1. Kyu
Sempai Peter Ammann, 1. DAN
Sempai Mirjam Bucher, 1. DAN
Sempai Ismael Diez, 1. DAN
Sempai Christian Ettlin, 1. DAN
Sempai Larissa Krummenacher, 1. DAN
Sempai Sina Burri, 2. DAN
Sempai Angela Felber, 2. DAN
Sempai Ramon Pfändler, 2. DAN
Sensei Philipp Hartmann, 3. DAN
Sensei Simon Zurfluh, 3. DAN

In addition, the IFK Switzerland and the World Federation awarded the following graduations:
Sensei Fritz Trautmann, 4. DAN
Sensei Alexandra Tabord, 4. DAN
Shihan Michel Estermann, 5. DAN
Shihan Melania Garcia, 5. DAN
Shihan Rolf Imhof, 5. DAN
Shihan Heinz Muntwyler, 5. DAN
Shihan Toni Gansner, 6. DAN

We congratulate all graduates and thank you for your dedication to the IFK.

We look forward to seeing you all next year from the 22nd. – 25. July 2023 to be seen again in summer camp.


IFK Switzerland

Photos at:

IFK Swiss Kyokushinkai 19th Budo Training Day

On Saturday, May 21, 2022, Shihan Eddy Gabathuler, 7th Dan, organized the 19th day of Budo training, which was held in the gym in Felsberg.

The training was structured as follows: 09:30 to 11:30 kihon and test combinations in groups, 12:30 to 14:30 katas in groups, and 16:30 to 17:00 fight training and fights in three groups. These were divided into over and under 16-year-olds, whereby the under 16-year-olds were divided into two groups (white belt up to 7th kyu and from 6th kyu). The following karatekas served as instructors:

Shihan Klaus Ming, 7th DAN

Shihan Toni Gansner, 5th DAN

Shihan Roland Juric, 5th DAN

Sensei Rolf Imhof, 4th DAN

Sensei Fritz Trautmann, 3rd DAN

Senpai Claudia Schlegel, 1st DAN

A total of 96 karatekas from 10 dojos of IFK Switzerland Kyokushinkai took part in the training sessions. We thank the instructors and the karatekas for their numerous appearance and their sweaty effort. We hope that they will again participate in large numbers in 2023 – OSU.

IFK Kata Swiss Championship 2022

On Saturday, April 9th, 2022, the IFK Kata Swiss Championship 2022 took place in Alpnach. The tournament was organised by Karate Do Obwalden.

A total of 75 Karatekas and 23 teams from eleven dojos took part in the tournament. Congratulations to all participants on their achievements on the tatami.

A big "thank you" goes to all the helpers from Karate Do Obwalden and Ming Karate, the referees, coaches, spectators and sponsors who have contributed to the success of this Swiss Championship.

OSU – The Organising Committee

Pilatus Cup 2022 (pictures and results)

After a break of two years, during which the Pilatus Cup had to be canceled due to the global pandemic, the traditional international junior tournament took place on March 19th, 2022, for the 21st time. Competitors from 10 IFK Switzerland Dojo and a delegation from BKK Wales found their way to Kriens, Switzerland, to compete in Kata and Kyokushin Kumite.

Here are podium pictures and results:

National Referee Course on 12th February 2022

On 12 of February 2022 a whole day national referee seminar of the IFK Switzerland Kyokushinkai took place in the Dojo of Wohlen. Under the leadership of Shihan Anton Gansner and Shihan Dolores Emmenegger-Jaros, both 5th DAN, a total of 34 karateka's trained their skills as judges in the two disciplines Kyokushinkai and Kata. We received in a workshop useful feedback from the course participants. This will implemented in future courses.

Many thanks to the Karate Club Wohlen for their hospitality and to all seminar participants for their exemplary discipline and great participation.

22nd DAN-Seminar IFK Switzerland Kyokushinkai

The 22nd, annual black belt seminar took place on Saturday, January 8th, in the Dojo of the Karate Club Wohlen. This first event of 2022 was participated by 37 Yudansha’s from IFK-Switzerland Kyokushinkai.

Sensei Piotr Szeligowski, 4th DAN, was responsible for the seminar topic "Exercises with the Resistance Band".

Sensei Piotr did an excellent job of teaching the seminar topic with his enormous experience in informative way and thus explained the "link" between theory and practice clearly and understandable.

Many thanks to Sensei Piotr for the very informative hours.

 Further thanks to all seminar participants for their excellent discipline, so that we could hold this seminar with the Covid-rules. 

 OSU, IFK Switzerland Kyokushinkai

IFK Kata Swiss Championship 2021

On Saturday, October 16th, 2021, the Dojo Chur organized the IFK-Kata Swiss Championship in the gyms of the industrial school at Sennensteinstrasse 20 in Chur. A total of 75 karatekas and 23 teams from eleven Dojos took part.

In the morning the karatekas started in the categories elite women and men as well as a mixed team. This was followed by the juniors and offspring with their categories.

Congratulations to all Karatekas on their great achievements. The ranking lists are as follows: