IFK black belt seminar 2023

The IFK World Black Belt Seminar will be held in Yerevan, Armenia after the European Championships on 24th -26th April 2023.

The Seminar will have IFK President Shihan David Pickthall, Board Member Shihan Eddy Gabathuler and Head of IFK Kata Shihan Janine Davies.

On the 26th April the IFK Dan Test will take place. All applicants for the Dan test must complete their paperwork and submit it through their Country Representative to office@ifk-kyokushin.com no later than one month before.

Dutch summer camp 2023

Dear shihans, sensei's and senpai's,

After a great anniversary summer camp last year we would like to invite you again for the Dutch summer camp!

The camp will be organized at Papendal, the location of the last black belt seminar and kata world championships. The camp will start on June 30th and finish on the 2nd of July. We would like to invite you all to celebrate together. Last year our summer camp had 150 participants from The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland. The guest instructors on the camp will be Shihan Janine Davies and senpai Jonas Rosin!

We hope to welcome many of you (again) in The Netherlands at Papendal.

All information can be found here: https://www.nka-ifk.nl/zomerkamp

Best regards,

Roel Noordman

Country representative IFK Netherlands

The 4th United States International Kyokushin Championships "Battle On The Boardwalk"

Over 200 Competitors and 400 Spectators participated in this year's event, representing 48 Different Clubs/Dojos and 6 Countries

The Official Live Stream Replay is Now Available on The USA-IFKK Youtube Page at:


Official Standings in Kata, Weapons, and Semi-Contact Kumite divisions are available at:


Official Medal Report by Dojo/Club can be accessed at:


We would like to express our deepest thanks to all Organizations, Competitors, and Families that assisted in making this year a success! We look forward to seeing you all next year on the last weekend in January of 2024 in Atlantic City.

IFK European championships 2023 - Full information

The IFK European Full Contact Championships will be held in Yerevan, Armenia on 21st-23rd April 2023

Categories from U14 up to Adults will participate.

This event is open to all organizations however countries will have a maximum of three or four athletes in any weight division depending on the age group. IFK representatives will have the priority of two of the allocated spaces.


IFK Uruguay Seminar - January 2023

The first seminar of 2023 IFK Uruguay annual training agenda for instructors was held on Saturday Jan 21 at the Hombu Dojo - Abumi Dojo-. Attendees included instructors from Montevideo, Mercedes, Salto, Palmitas, Cardona and San Carlos

Next session will be held during the XII IFK Uruguay Summer Camp, on March 2-5, 2023 in Salinas, Canelones.   

IFK World Black Belt Seminar 2023

The IFK World Black Belt Seminar will be held in Yerevan, Armenia after the European Championships on 24th -26th April 2023.

The Seminar will have IFK President Shihan David Pickthall, Board Member Shihan Eddy Gabathuler and Head of IFK Kata Shihan Janine Davies.

On the 26th April the IFK Dan Test will take place. All applicants for the Dan test must complete their paperwork and submit it through their Country Representative to office@ifk-kyokushin.com no later than one month before.

IFK European Championships 2023

The IFK European Full Contact Championships will be held in Yerevan, Armenia on 21st-23rd April 2023

Categories from U14 up to Adults will participate.

This event is open to all organisations however countries will have a maximum of three or four athletes in any weight division depending on the age group. IFK representatives will have the priority of two of the allocated spaces.

Full information will be published shortly.

IFK-DAN Seminar 2023 in Switzerland

On Saturday, January 7th, 2023, the annual DAN-Seminar took place in the Dojo Wohlen. After many varied and exciting seminars, this year it was time to put the focus back on our roots - the basic techniques of the examination program. More than 40 Yudansha's of IFK Switzerland accepted the invitation to spend a day intensively dealing with the basic pillars of Kyokushinkai Karate.

After a brief theoretical introduction, we quickly got down to business. In the morning, Shihan Anton Gansner, 6th DAN, discussed techniques and levels of the Kihon, explained functions, eliminated errors that had crept in over the years and fine-tuned subtleties. After the lunch break, under the direction of Shihan Eddy Gabathuler, 7th DAN, attention was paid to the Ippon- and Sanbonkumites as well as some Renraku's and their use in partner exercises. At the end, difficult and critical points were shown in the katas by Shihan Dolores Emmenegger and Shihan André Emmenegger, both 5th DAN, and the correct applications were conveyed.

It was a very instructive day and everyone present took away a lot of old and new knowledge with the hope that they would pass this on to their students in the dojo.

We would like to thank our highly motivated instructors for the valuable knowledge transfer and that we were able to carry out the DAN seminar in the dojo of the Wohlen Karate Club - OSU.

IFK Netherlands Summer camp 2023

Date: Friday 30 June to Sunday 2 July 2023

You are welcome at Papendal on Friday 30 June from 12:00 pm.

The first training starts at 2:00 PM.

On Sunday, July 2, 2022, the summer camp will end around 1:00 PM.

Guest instructors: Shihan Janine Davies and Senpai Jonas Rosin

Accommodation: Papendal Papendallaan 3, 6816 VD Arnhem

Registration: Registering for the summer camp is always done in consultation with your own teacher. The summer camp is for young and old from about 12 years old. The cost of the summer camp is
€240.00. If you have paid the deposit of €75.00, you are registered.

A step-by-step plan for registering for the camp:
1. Ask your own teacher for permission to register
2. Down payment of €75.00 on NKA IBAN number: NL53INGB0000628596
3. State with the down payment: Summer camp, your name, karate school, gender, and whether you
are vegetarian.
4 Transfer the remaining amount of € 165.00 four weeks in advance to the account of the NKA.

Please note: there are only a limited number of places available! So register in time!

Exams: Kyu and dan degree exams will take place during the camp. Exam candidates must register before 1 January. The whole registration procedure is described in the examination regulations—more information about this from your own teacher or the secretary of the examination board, sensei Pascal.

Packing list: What should you bring to summer camp?

Exoneration Form (the registration form) Small sports bag
Gi (karate suit) 1x Toiletry bag
Gi (old karate suit that can get dirty) Sunscreen
Obi (belt) Tape, plasters, etc.
Shin guards and gloves Water bottle
Chest protection (women) / tok (men) Garbage bags
Mouthguard Training clothing

Slippers Medication
Sports shoes (may get dirty)

Bandana/headwear (no cap)

For other questions, please visit www.nka-ifk.nl/zomerkamp

IFK Kumite Swiss Championship 2022

On Saturday, November 19th, the IFK Kumite Swiss Championship 2022 took place in Chur. A total of 78 Karateka’s from 17 dojos took part in the tournament.

 In the morning and afternoon, the participants started in different categories: Juniors, Novice and Elite. Congratulations to all participants on their great achievements!

A big thank you to all participants, referees, helpers, coaches and spectators for the work they did and the exemplary discipline. Together we were able to bring Karateka’s from different full-contact karate organizations to the tatami across organizations and thus hold worthy championships while at the same time focusing on Kyokushinkai karate with its values such as respect, fairness, mutual acceptance and friendship.

The 4th EFKO Full Contact Camp 2022

The 4th EFKO Full Contact Camp was held with over 250 participants. IFK President Shihan David Pickthall, Board Member Shihan Eddy Gabthuler and World Champion Sensei Emma Markwell were invited as Instructors of this three day training camp aimed at unity, respect and collaboration in a sporting environment.

At the camp a meeting took place between Shihan David, Shihan Antonio Pinero (representing the KWF), Shihan Koen Spitaels (representing the EFKO) and Shihan Koi (representing the WFKO) where an intention to work together to hold united qualifying championships to select athletes for a future World WFKO Championship.

This will lead to more opportunities for IFK members in the future and is a continuation of our desire to maintain healthy relationships with full contact organisations.

IFK Dan Promotions

We are pleased to announce that Shihan David Pickthall (IFK President) on behalf of the IFK Board announced the following Dan Promotions at K2 on 1st October 2022.

8th Dan

Alex Kerrigan and Liam Keaveney

6th Dan

Paul Baker, Martin Okeleke,

David Jones and John Moulden

5th Dan

Stephen Davies and Wai Cheung

The ceremony of awarding the new grades took place during the official opening of the 44th British Open Knockdown Tournament 2022 incorporating the 12th Cup of Europe at K2 Crawley on the 1st of October.

The event was the largest knockdown championship the BKK has hosted with 270 participants. We hope that the introduction of the youth categories will inspire future karateka. The Cup of Europe demonstrated that this pathway is how BKK will build athletes of the future with their Champions.

Congratulations! Osu!

We welcome IFK Bolivia

We welcome Bolivia back into the IFK with Senpai Abraham Meruvia Morales becoming the Country Representative. We hope to have a positive relationship and keep growing the region of South America which now has.

director@ifkbolivia.com / tel: +59176513547

Av. Juan Pablo II #3612 El Alto. La Paz, Bolivia


IFK Western European Championships – Registration

The 2022 IFK Western European Championships 𝗥𝗘𝗚𝗜𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝗜𝗦 𝗢𝗣𝗘𝗡

IFK Netherlands invites you to participate in the IFK WESTERN EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS on the 5th of November in Zevenbergen, the Netherlands.

Registration can now be done using the form on the website following the link below. The deadline is October 15th, so make sure to be on time.


IFK Switzerland Summer Camp

From the 23rd till 26th The IFK Switzerland summer camp took place in July at the sports center in Willisau.

97 athletes from 11 dojos and ages 8 to 66 set off to deepen their knowledge of Kihon, Kata, and Kumite in groups and under the expert guidance of various Sempais, Senseis and Shihans. The weather was good for the camp and so they sweat a lot. Everyone could benefit from new training methods and ideas and expand their knowledge.

All brown and black belts were also given the opportunity to expand their skills as part of a refereeing course on Sunday evening.
On Monday afternoon, like every year, a 30-man Kumite took place, with big and small fighting each other with much respect and spirit. In the evening, the reward was followed by the Sayonara Party – which also marked the 25th anniversary of IFK Switzerland this year. So Mr. and Mrs. Karateka threw themselves in the bowl and spent the evening with great food and good company. The examiners organized a supporting program, which was varied and amusing throughout the evening. In addition, many old and newer photos have highlighted the highlights of the last 25 years.

After a final training on Tuesday morning and the graduations, the training camp, unfortunately, came to an end again.

We congratulate all the students on their performance:

Kohai Maximilian Blum, 2. Kyu
Kohai Lea Weber, 2. Kyu
Kohai Angela Egli, 1. Kyu
Sempai Peter Ammann, 1. DAN
Sempai Mirjam Bucher, 1. DAN
Sempai Ismael Diez, 1. DAN
Sempai Christian Ettlin, 1. DAN
Sempai Larissa Krummenacher, 1. DAN
Sempai Sina Burri, 2. DAN
Sempai Angela Felber, 2. DAN
Sempai Ramon Pfändler, 2. DAN
Sensei Philipp Hartmann, 3. DAN
Sensei Simon Zurfluh, 3. DAN

In addition, the IFK Switzerland and the World Federation awarded the following graduations:
Sensei Fritz Trautmann, 4. DAN
Sensei Alexandra Tabord, 4. DAN
Shihan Michel Estermann, 5. DAN
Shihan Melania Garcia, 5. DAN
Shihan Rolf Imhof, 5. DAN
Shihan Heinz Muntwyler, 5. DAN
Shihan Toni Gansner, 6. DAN

We congratulate all graduates and thank you for your dedication to the IFK.

We look forward to seeing you all next year from the 22nd. – 25. July 2023 to be seen again in summer camp.


IFK Switzerland

Photos at: https://ifk-schweiz.ch/ifk-schweiz-sommerlager/

IFK USA Summer camp 2022

The USA-IFK held their annual summer camp from July 21st to 24th, led by Shihan David Pickthall, President of the IFK (7th Dan)

On July 21st the Summer Camp began at Gray Wolf Martial Arts in Holley, NY before transitioning to Fighting Spirit Karate in Gardiner, NY for the remaining three days.

Shihan David led a total of 11 training sessions, including Kihon, Kata, and Kumite. Around 75 different participants from 4 Countries attended the camp over the four days of training including Shihan Michael Monaco, USA-IFK President & IFK Board Member (8th Dan).

Camp ended with Dan Grading where 16 candidates from 3 countries successfully passed for the following grades:

Sensei Michael Brotchie (UK)
Sensei Mike Thireos (USA)
Sensei Jack Welsh (USA)

Senpai Reggie Gold (USA)
Senpai Tuari Schenker (USA)
Senpai Lisa Cook (USA)
Senpai Kaitlyn Cook (USA)
Senpai Wojtek Arentewicz (USA)
Senpai Dae'Shaun Moore (USA)

Senpai Benjamin Shannon (USA)
Senpai Asher Rosen (USA)
Senpai Lyric Schenker (USA)
Senpai Jack Dunphy (USA)
Senpai McDarren Paschal (USA)
Senpai Brian Marchena (ARUBA)
Senpai Richa Rai (USA)

The USA-IFK would Like to Thank Shihan David, Shihan Monaco, the Entire IFK Organization, and USA-IFK Staff for making this year's camp a possibility.

Shihan David Pickthall Zoom

Shihan David Pickthall Autograph

Photos by USA-IFKK, Bill Steward and Tom Dunphy

USA IFK Summer Camp Zoom training with Shihan David Pickthall

First-ever worldwide chance to train alongside one of the greatest Kyokushin teachers in an exclusive ifk online ZOOM Kumite session during the USA IFK Summer Camp!

IFK Online World-Wide Zoom Exclusive Kumite Training with the IFK President Shihan David Pickthall

*Followed by a short, moderated live Q&A


3:30 PM USA-Eastern Standard Time

Open to IFK and practitioners from all over the world, please join the exclusive Kumite training session to be held live online during the upcoming July USA IFK SUMMER CAMP. Do not miss the opportunity to train with one of the world's best! Osu!

Must register here to receive the exclusive USA IFK ZOOM link: bit.ly/Registration-Training-Shihan-David

IFK Bulgaria Summer Camp 2022

IFK Bulgaria held an International Kyokushin Karate Summer Camp from the 1st to the 8th of July with chief instructors Shihan David Pickthall, 7 dan, President of IFK, and Sensei Emma Markwell, 4 dan, world, and European Kumite champion. A special guest at the camp was Shihan Eddy Gabathuler, 7 Dan, IFK Board Member.

A total of 160 karatekas from Poland, led by Shihan Jan Wac, 5 dan, Romania led by Sensei Christian Hirsch, 5 dan, and Bulgaria took part in the camp.

On 02.07, a commemoration ceremony evening was organized in memory of Hanshi Steve Arneil, 10 dan, which ended with a torchlight procession to the beach as a tribute to Hanshi.

Grading for kyu and dan degrees was held at the end of the camp.

Shihan Nikola Blagoev, 6th dan, and IFK Bulgaria thank Shihan David, Shihan Eddy, and Sensei Emma for the efforts they make for the development of IFK in Bulgaria and the region.

Courtesy of Prestige 96, sweet treats were provided each day to the delight of all participants. Thanks for your support!

More pictures and videos here: facebook.com/IFK.Bulgaria