IFK Belarus Spring Seminar, and Budo Festival

IFK Belarus hosted their spring seminar with Shihan David Pickthall and conducted a Budo Festival in the city of Brest.

Over one thousand students took part over the three day seminar focusing on kihon, kata and kumite sessions. 

The Budo Festival was managed by Country Representative Dmitry Alehnovich who had seven hundred participants in their mass demonstration. The event also feature many of the different arts in the region and the Police and Army did combat demos with Kyokushin instructors.

Shihan Eddy Gabathuler was also a guest along with Country reps Shihan Oleg Sereda (Ukraine) and Sensei Dariusz Struski (Poland). Shihan Franz Slavinsky was their representing Russia and Vladimirs Talapins (Latvia)., including students form these countries at the seminar.

Uruguay Summer Camp 2017 with Shihan David Pickthall

The 6th Uruguay Summer Camp was held in Salinas Montevideo from the 10th-12th March under the instruction of Shihan David Pickthall. 

Participants from all the Uruguayan dojos attended along with the Country Representatives of Brazil Jeovaldo Barreto and Chile German Caru. Also in attendance was the VP of IFK Canada Jonathan Hemond and Planning committee member Pascal Hemond. Several students from these countries participated and it was good to see former Brazilian Champion and participant from the 5th World Tournament Shihan Luiz Feitoza train in the seminar. Its been 26 years since Shihan Pickthall and Feitoza fought in Japan together and the Brazilian fighters are certainly fortunate to have Shihan Luiz prepare them for our upcoming World Tournament in Romania.

The camp featured sessions in all aspects of the IFK and finished with a dan test for the Chile participants.

Thanks must go to Sensei German Carballo for organising such a good camp with his team of Noelia Carballo, Rocio Gonzalez, Santiago Mosco and Claudia Lopez.

Polish Winter Camp 2017 with Shihan Alexei Gorokhov

The Polish Winter Camp took place in Luneia from 17th to 19th February. Shihan Alexei Gorokhov was the instructor for the fighting camp, which was attended by about 50 Karatekas from Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Switzerland. Organisations: IFK and Shinkyokushin

Country Representative Sensei Dariusz Struski was joined by Swiss Representative and IFK Board member Shihan Eddy Gabathuler and Belarus Country rep Dmitry Alechnovich in participating in this camp.

UAE 1st IFK Cup 2017

UAE hosted the 1st IFK Cup at the Al Taneen Chinese Karate and Fitness centre in Sharjah. The event had participants from IFK, Shinkyokushin, Tezuka, Byakuren Karate and International Budokan Union.


Country Representative Shamseer CK had the assistance of Indian Representative Santanu Gangly in the running of the event which was the first of its kind in the region.

There was also the largest Martial Arts demonstration held in UAE with IFK participating.

IFK Australia Clicker Championship 2017 - Results

Once again, we had a great tournament on Sunday 26th Feb, with over 70 competitors.  Congratulations to everyone who took part, and of course in particular to all those who placed. Someone has to win; that's what competition is all about.

A big well done also to all the officials. For some of them it was the first time "live" and they all performed very well. Still, there's always room for improvement, as with anything in life, and we will always strive towards that. Thanks also to the volunteers who handled the score keeping. 

A big thank you to all the parents who supported the event by making the effort to be there while their children learn to compete, to deal with winning and losing, sportsmanship, teamwork, and camaraderie.

Needless to say, we also thank all those who helped set up the day before and pack up after the tournament. These are important components of any tournament, and we always welcome people who volunteer to help (as we all do) with  all the logistical aspects of our events.  Let us know if you'd like to help with the next one.

The next tournament for IFKKA is Full Contact - from 11 yrs/ 8th kyu and up, 26th June.

IFK Belgium Winter Camp 2017

The IFK Belgium Wintercamp was held in Kasterlee from 10-12 February under the guidance of Shihan David Pickthall and Shihan Janine Davies with the assistance of Country Representative Shihan Etienne van Holt and Sutani Dojo Leader Shihan Benny Gelyukens.

group seiza.jpg

Our thanks go out to the karateka from Belgium IFK, Shinkyokushin and Rengokai as well as IFK Germany, IFK Bolivia and IFK France who participated in the camp which focused on elements of Kihon, kata and Kumite.

There was a grading test at the camp. Congratulations go to Sensei Hans Broeckart 3 Dan, Senpai An Beyers and Kevin van Holt 2 Dan and Senpai Jelle Strybosch, Tine Beyers and Erwin Hoebus 1st Dans.   Sensei Dave Geentjens was also promoted to 4th Dan. Well done to all.

group training.jpg


Between 28 to 29 January 2017 held IFK ROMANIAN - Sibiu SPARRING SESSION and KUMITE NATIONAL CAMP.

The goal of this event was to prepare IFK ROMANIAN Team for ''KWU European Championship for Children and Youth 2017- Berlin, Germany'' , 5th IFK Kyokushin World Tournament 2017 - Sibiu, Romania and KWU World Championship 2017 - Tokyo, Japan.

The event was attended by fighters from 7 cities of the country.

IFK ROMANIA wishes to thank them for participating fighters from Urban Samurai Dojo (WKO Shinkyokushin) and Hachiman Dojo (IKO Romania)

At the end of the event, also held IFK ROMANIA meeting for organize 5th IFK World Tournament 2017 - Sibiu, Romania.

14th Annual Summer Camp 2017 with Shihan David Pickthall

This weekend the 14th Annual Australian Summer Camp was held in Sydney under the guidance for Shihan David Pickthall.



Over 50 students attended during the three days of intensive training focusing on Kihon, Kata and Kumite.

We thank Shihan Jim Phillips, Sensei’s Graeme Rose, Daniel Langworthy and Senpai,s Cesar Cabrera, Rodney Eve,Ben Vale, Shaun Buchanan plus their students for supporting this IFK Australia event.

All of the IFK Board were in attendance with Country Representative Jenny Fuller, Shihan Doug Turnbull and Shihan Shaharin Yussof organising the camp.

First IFK Uruguay Kyu Grading Exam of 2017

On January 7th, 2017, at the Italian Society premises in Mercedes City, the first 2017 IFK Uruguay KYU grading exam took place. 25 students from Dojos located in the cities of Mercedes, Dolores and Salto took their exams (ranging from 10th to 1st Kyu).

The board of examiners included authorities of the Kyokushin Kai Uruguayan Association (A.K.K.U): Sensei Germán Carballo (IFK Uruguay Country Representative and A.K.K.U. President), Senpai Santiago Mosco (A.K.K.U. Vice-president), and Senpai Mario Hornos (Coordinator for Soriano).

We congratulate all the students on their performance as well as the spirit and companionship demonstrated during the exam. It´s now time to enjoy what you´ve all earned and keep moving forward!!


Award ceremony of the 5th KWUCHAMP 2016 – pictures

The 5th KWU Kyokushin Open World Youth Championship took place in Varna, Bulgaria on December 3-4, in beautiful Palace of Culture and Sport.

666 fighters from 33 countries fought for 32 sets of medals in 3 age groups – 12-13, 14-15 and 16-17 years old.  The tournament's level of fighting, as compared to the previous Youth World Championship, has grown considerably. The girls and boys who won the right to hear the anthem of their country are a real strong future of Kyokushin karate.

Here are the pictures from winners ceremony, good emotions and happy faces, captured on photos by Andrey Kurtiy from superkarate.ru

Karate into the Olympics, and how it affects the KWU

The following is an extract of an article from KWU General Secretary, Sergey Suvorov, commenting on the inclusion of karate into the 2020 Olympics, discusses the prospect of KWU in this process.

Everyone knows that World Karate Federation WKF was repeatedly storming Olympic leadership for inclusion of karate in the programme of the Olympic Games and now, finally, the dream of the millions of karatekas all over the world came true and this kind of sports will be represented at the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020 year. I’d like to note immediately that this refers now only to the participation in Tokyo Olympics. There 4 more such sports as karate. This is the novation of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and it deals with the reformatory strategy of the new IOC leadership and personally with the president Tomas Bach. Indeed, according to the Olympic Charter (in essence the charter of IOC) rotation of sports for every Olympics follows the principle one in – one out (one enters and another one exits the programme of the Olympic Games).However, the Olympic Session as the supreme authority has the right to solve any questions, which deal with development of Olympic movement, which was decided after the Olympic Games in Sochi-2014.  Therefore, for participation in the programme of Games 2024 WKF will have to go through the difficult voting procedure again under the condition that the country-holder of the Olympic Games will nominate this kind of sports. 

Read the rest of this article here...

Seminar in Romania with Shihan Alex Kerrigan and David Pickthall

Shihan Alex Kerrigan, IFK Chief Referee and Shihan David Pickthall held a seminar in Sibiu, Romania from 24-27 November organised by Country Representative Sensei Christian Hirsch and Sensei Iulian Birt.

Approximately 80 karateka took part in the sessions which featured kumite, knockdown referees courses plus a grading. 

The trip was also an opportunity to visit the venue for the 5th World Championships and meeting with the Vice President of the region council and the Vice Mayor of the city and discuss planning of the event.


Shihan Eddy Gabathuler Seminar in Belarus

Shihan Eddy Gabathuler of Switzerland conducted a seminar in Brest, Belarus on 22nd and 23rd of October. 

Over 170 Karatekas from all over Belarus attend the course which focused on Kata and its Bunkai, stamina exercises and self defence especially locking and controlling the opponent.

New Dan Grades for IFK Russia

Congratulations to Moscow karatekas with assigning their higher dan degrees!

International Federation decision Karate (IFK) assigned new Dan degrees:
5th Dan
Khimichenko Andrei Andreyevich, Executive director of the Federation of Kyokushin Russia;
Shaposhnikov Dmitry Sergeyevich, the regional representative of the Federation of Kyokushin Russia in Moscow.
4th Dan
Bakhtin Boris Ivanovich , the coach of the Moscow Federation of Kyokushin.

2016 IFK Canada Seminar

Report courtesy of IFK Canada

This past weekend was the IFK Canada Seminar, with Shihan David Pickthall 6th Dan  vice-president of IFK. This was the second seminar hosted by IFK Canada, this time by our affiliate dojo in Quebec, Karaté Laval, under Senseï Jonathan Hemond 3rd Dan.

Shihan Pickthall is an amazing technician and such an inspiring teacher. Approaching his teaching with humor and giving us a clear understanding of the techniques. He made each class engaging and enthusiastic, you could feel the energy in the space. If you ever have the chance, we would highly recommend participating in one of Shihan Pickthaill's seminars.

On top of that, we were surrounded by many black belts, not only from the IFK, but other organizations as well. As it was an open seminar, and attendance was just over 100. IFK, Shinkyokushin, Kyokushin-kan , So-Kyokushin , Kanreikai and others all working together.

Classes focused on kihon, kumite drills, applications and sparring, as well on fitness and conditioning.

After Saturday evening’s training we attended the Sayonara Party for food, drinks and laughs. Meeting and getting to know our extended family.

During the closing class Sensei Steve Fogarasi talked about the growth of the IFK in Canada, and the openness of the organization. As mentioned, many different organizations were represented. It is so wonderful to belong to such a great nonpartisan organization.

Another highlight included the news that two more dojos will be joining IFK Canada from Quebec. Sensei Mikhail Zimmerman and Sempaï Marc Cabana with their dojos and students.

The IFK is growing fast and strong in Canada under the leadership of Sensei Fogarasi and all our IFK Canada black belts.

We want to thank Shihan David Pickthall for an amazing seminar, all students, sempais, senseis and shihans for sharing your knowledge. As well, thank you to Senseï Jonathan Hemond and Karaté Laval for organizing everything.

We look forward to next year when we have our annual summer camp and seeing how much we have grown. 

Osu !

More photos...

Russian IFK Summer Camp 2016 report and video highlights

IFK Russia hosted their Summer Camp in Moscow on the 8th to 12th July under the direction of Hanshi Steve Arneil with the assistance of Shihan David Pickthall, country representative Alexander Taniushkin and Shihan Victor Fomin.


165 Karateka participated in the camp which is aimed towards the regional heads and many of the key organisers from Russia.

Hanshi focused on using various IFK teaching methods for kihon and kata and bunkai. Shihan Pickthall worked on kumite and kata training  plus sessions with students attempting dan grades.

There was also a presentation and session on Kyokushin Kick from Shihan Stanislav Vinokurov from Khabarovsk region, aimed at developing Kyokushin athletes into K-1 and MMA fighters.

As always the camp was organised superbly and thanks go out to Sensei Dmitry Shaposhnikov and the organizing team for their tremendous work.

Highlights of Kyokushin Summer School FCR -2016 in Moscow. #Kyokushin #Kyokushinkai #SteveArneil #IFK

Hanshi Steve Arneil answers the question: Does Kyokushin kill femininity?

Founder and president of the International Federation of Karate (IFK) Hanshi Steve Arneil  - The famous Kyokushin master, 10.Dan in Kyokushin, the student of Sosai Mas Oyama. The first man passed Hyakunin-kumite - 100 man kumite -  (21 May 1965) after Sosai, the author of many books about karate and a manuals on basic Kyokushin techniques. 

On video Hanshi answers of question: Do Kyokushin kills femininity?

Country representative changes to Armenia, Bolivia, Italy and Sri Lanka

The IFK wish to announce some changes within Country Representative roles.

We are pleased to announce Mr Andranik Hakobyan as the new representative of IFK Armenia, taking over from Mr Minas Pogosyan.

Mr Sajith Lakmal Wellalage is the new representative of IFK Sri Lanka.

IFK Italy representative, Andrea Stoppa, has stepped down from the IFK; we are in the process of appointing a replacement.

Lastly, we are pleased to announce Bolivia has joined the IFK with Mr Abel Herrada taking the role of country representative.

Mr Andranik Hakobyan - IFK Armenia

Mr Andranik Hakobyan - IFK Armenia

Mr Sajith Lakmal Wellalage - IFK Sri Lanka

Mr Sajith Lakmal Wellalage - IFK Sri Lanka

Mr Abel Herrada

Mr Abel Herrada

A successful 3rd IFK World Black Belt Seminar - family from all across the globe

The 3rd IFK World Black Belt Seminar took place between 27th April and 1st May at the famous Papendal Olympic Sports Centre in the Netherlands.

Hanshi Steve Arneil along with his instructors Shihan's David Pickthall, Liam Keaveney, Alexander Taniushkin, Eddy Gabathuler, Janine Davies, Victor Fomin and Alexey Gorokhov hosted sessions on Kihon, Kata, Kumite and Weapons along with guest classes in BJJ and Krav Maga.  Additionally, special guest instructor Shihan Semmy Schilt joined the group.

175 black belts from 21 countries participated with a final-day "kyu grade" open day.

Countries included:
Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Israel, Iran, the Netherlands, Nepal, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Uruguay, USA.

The IFK want to thank the organising team led by Sensei Kevin van der Boor who have done a tremendous job to make this event run smoothly.

More pictures on our Facebook page

World Black Belt Seminar, April 30th 2016, Papendal Holland