Russian IFK Summer Camp 2016 report and video highlights
/IFK Russia hosted their Summer Camp in Moscow on the 8th to 12th July under the direction of Hanshi Steve Arneil with the assistance of Shihan David Pickthall, country representative Alexander Taniushkin and Shihan Victor Fomin.
165 Karateka participated in the camp which is aimed towards the regional heads and many of the key organisers from Russia.
Hanshi focused on using various IFK teaching methods for kihon and kata and bunkai. Shihan Pickthall worked on kumite and kata training plus sessions with students attempting dan grades.
There was also a presentation and session on Kyokushin Kick from Shihan Stanislav Vinokurov from Khabarovsk region, aimed at developing Kyokushin athletes into K-1 and MMA fighters.
As always the camp was organised superbly and thanks go out to Sensei Dmitry Shaposhnikov and the organizing team for their tremendous work.
Highlights of Kyokushin Summer School FCR -2016 in Moscow. #Kyokushin #Kyokushinkai #SteveArneil #IFK