IFK Uruguay instructors received their Kuro Obi belts and certificates

On Sunday June 20th, 2021, two IFK Uruguay instructors received their international Kuro Obi belts and certificates, Senpai Mario Hornos as Ni Dan and Senpai Claudia López as Shodan.

The ceremony was led by Sensei Germán Carballo, IFK Uruguay Country Representative with the participation of Senpai Santiago Mosco.

Having instructors from different dojos and states receiving their official grades together strengthens IFK Uruguay´s goal of becoming one big Kyokushin family, disregarding where you are located.


IFK South America Country Representatives meeting

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During the first weekend of June, IFK South America Country Representatives hold a virtual meeting with the aim of sharing experiences on different topics and continue growing; temporarily replacing the in-person meetings held at South America Tournaments.

 The main items in the agenda were as follows,

  • each country provided a summary on how they are dealing with training and activities during the pandemic,

  • Colombia was confirmed as host for the 5th South America Tournament in 2023,

  • a monthly training agenda was agreed to be set with virtual training sessions for America instructors, welcoming of course IFK colleges wanting to participate.


  • Argentina: Shihan Julio Romero

  • Brazil: Sensei Jeovaldo Barreto

  • Chile: Senpai Germán Carú

  • Colombia: Senpai Oscar Sanabria

  • Perú: Senpai Fernando Ríos

  • Uruguay: Sensei Germán Carballo

  • Venezuela: Senpai Hugo Luciani

IFK Kata World Cup 2021

Dear Hanshi, Dear Country representative, Shihan, Sensei, Senpai

IFK-Switzerland Kyokushinkai has the pleasure to invite you to the first "IFK Kata World Cup" in Switzerland.

We welcome all IFK countries to participate in this major event. Osu!

Date: 11th September 2021

Tournament Location CH-6010 Kriens, Switzerland, Sports hall 'Krauerhalle', Horwerstrasse 10.

Registration for the tournament: For registration, please use the attached Excel File and send it to Shihan Eddy Gabathuler eduard.gabathuler@ifk-schweiz.ch

Please note the deadline for registrations: Saturday 14th of August 2021

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All-Russia 2021 Results

Women -50Kg

1. Alieva Junai (WKO)

2. Antoshkina Irina (IKO)

3. Bobrina Ekaterina (IFK)


Women -55Kg

1. Bakina Lubov (IFK)

2. Kosyanova Anastasia (IFK)

3. Turpova Diana (KI)


Women -60Kg

1. Shemina Ekaterina (IFK)

2. Beysembayeva Natalia (IFK)

3. Cheremiskina Anna (WKO)


Women -65Kg

1. Popova Polina (IFK)

2. Fix Elizabeth (IFK)

3. Gumenikh Anastasia (IFK)


Women -70Kg

1. Valieva Irina (WKO)

2. Atakulova Nurzat (IFK)

3. Zaikovskaya Elena (IFK)


Women + 70Kg

1. Kolesnikova Valeria (IFK)

2. Gendik Tatiana (KI)

3. Kushnareva Alena (KI)


Men -60Kg

1. Grinchuk Ivan (IFK)

2. Armenian Sergo (KI)

3. Polubinsky Vladislav (KI)


Men -65Kg

1. Nikulin Stanislav (IFK)

2. Krutikh Geogi (IKO)

3. Tyabov Eduard (IFK)


Men -70Kg

1. Krymov Arthur (IFK)

2. Magomedov Khasai (WKO)

3. Rodichkin Dmitry (IFK)


Men -75Kg

1. Zezulya Danil (IFK)

2. Belyaev Viktor (IFK)

3. Bolotov Vitaly (IFK)


Men -80Kg

1. Nazaretyan Artem (IFK)

2. Blinov Dmitry (KI)

3. Polyakov Ilya (IKO)


Men -85Kg

1. Sorokopudov Alexander (IFK)

2. Luzin Andrey (IKO)

3. Aramyan Gnel (IFK)


Men -90Kg

1. Soloviev Dmitry (KI)

2. Mezhevtsov Stanislav (IFK)

3. Averkin Ilya (IKO)


Men -95Kg

1. Samedov Ruslan (IFK)

2. Grachev Alexander (IFK)

3. Maslennikov Nikolay (IFK)


Men + 95Kg

1. Zagainov Igor (IKO)

2. Stroganov Yuri (IFK)

3. Mescheryakov Roman (IKO)


Veterans (men) 40-44 years old, weight category 75

1. Alexander Saraev (IFK)

2. Savushkin Eduard (WKO)

3. Afanasiev Andrey (IKO)

3. Khasenov Balkhash (IKO)

Veterans (men) 40-44 years old, weight category 90

1. Danileiko Alexander (IFK)

2. Khorev Denis (IFK)

Veterans (men) 40-44 years, weight category + 90Kg

1. Glushchenko Victor (IFK)

2. Pavlov Sergey (IFK)

3. Bragin Alexander (IFK)

3. Sysoev Maxim (IKO)

Veterans (men) 45-49 years old, weight category 75

1. Lachikhin Mikhail (IFK)

2. Gubonin Andrey (IKO)

Veterans (men) 45-49 years old, weight category 90

1. Balashov Alexander (IKO)

2. Bolshakov Nikolai (IFK)

3. Tsakhaev Magomed (IKO)

3. Shatokhin Evgeny (WKO)

Veterans (men) 45-49 years old weight category + 90Kg

1. Mikhalin Sergey (IFK)

2. Eremenko Alexey (WKO)

3. Klyuev Sergey (KI)

3. Boronnikov Anatoly (KI)

Veterans (men) 50 and older, weight category 75

1. Kisyuk Dmitry (IFK)

2. Agaev Teymur (IFK)

3. Neskreba Konstantin (WKO)

3. Nikiforov Igor (IFK)

Veterans (men) 50 and older, weight category 90

1. Ryabko Oleg (KI)

2. Zolotarev Konstantin (WKO)

3. Galakhov Vladimir (KI)

Broadcast Of The All-Russian Competitions AKR 2021

On June 5-6, 2021, the All-Russian competitions of the Association Kyokushinkai of Russia and the AKR Cup among veterans are held at the Moscow Martial Arts Center.

The competition is attended by 163 athletes and 54 veterans from five organizations included in the structure of the AKR.

Live Updates: akr.kumitetechnology.com Russian only

KWU European Youth Championship 2022

IFK Kyokushin Armenia received the right to host the KWU European Youth Championship at the beginning of April 2022. 

The President of the Armenian Kyokushin karate Federation, Shihan Andranik Hakobyan, and his team are well-known championship organizers and hosts. Shihan Hakobyan shared with us that preparations for the championship have already begun.

IFK USA Summer Camp 2021 - Registration

Official Invitation/Registration:

USA IFK Training Camp with the IFK President, Shihan David Pickthall

Dates: July 15-18, 2021

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To USA-IFK Instructors, Students, Dojos, Fight Affiliates & Martial Arts Enthusiasts:

We are excited to announce the Official USA-IFK 2021 Summer Training Camp with featured guest, IFK President Shihan David Pickthall (7th Dan) from July 15-18, 2021! This is going to be a once in a life-time event as we celebrate our collective survival and spirit, moving out of the pandemic, and into the future and beyond!

You don't want to miss all the action!

-Camp is Open to All Skill Levels (Youth Ages 12 - Adult)

-Camp is LIMITED to first 100 registrants!



Specialized Training Camp in Minusinsk 2021


On May 8-9, 2021, Minusinsk hosted a Specialised Kata Training Camp with Shihan Victor Fomin.

The organizer was the Kyokushin Karate Federation of the Krasnoyarsk Krai and the Republic of Khakassia (Shihan Alexander Brevnov). More than 40 athletes from Minusinsk, Abakan, Shirinsky region, and Tomsk region took part in the camp. The tasks of competitive preparation for the upcoming Kata Russia Championship were solved, including working out the details taking into account the meaning of combat techniques, improving their quality, and the overall energy of performing traditional forms.

18th Budo Training Day


On Saturday, 08th May 2021 Switzerland was held the 18th IFK Budo Training Day. 83 Karatekas from the Dojos Chur (39), Ilanz (22), Obwalden (8) and Oftringen (14) took part.

During the morning session between 09.30 – 11.30 am was Kumite on the program. From 00.30 – 02.30 pm could be trained Kata in groups. In the last session, from 03.30 – 05.00 pm, was the training of Kihon and Renraku.

Thank you to the organiser Shihan Edi Gabathuler 7th DAN, and to the instructors Shihan Klaus Ming, 7th DAN, Shihan Fadil Haxhosaj, 6th DAN, Shihan Toni Gansner, 5th DAN, Sensei Rolf Imhof, 4th DAN, Sensei Eveline Wallimann, Sensei Fritz Trautmann, Sensei Mirco Furger and Sensei Barbare De Patre, all 3rd DAN, and to Senpai Ronny Schlegel, Senpai Claudia Schlegel and Senpai Fabio De Patre, all 1st DAN, for their effort.

Patron of the IFK Prince Mohammed Bin Talal passed away

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It is with regret we have to announce the passing of Prince Mohammed Bin Talal at the age of eighty years old.

Prince Mohammed was the Patron of the IFK, he was a close friend of Hanshi Arneil since the late sixties when Hanshi lived in Jordan teaching the royal family.

Hanshi Arneil was deeply saddened to hear of his passing yesterday and sends his heartfelt condolences.

The thoughts of the IFK are with Prince Mohammed’s family at this time.


Bushido Mon Spring Camp 2021

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On the 23rd–26th April 2021 near Moscow, Bushido Mon Spring Camp was held with Shihan Victor Fomin and Sensei Yulia Tseytlina.

Over 80 participants from Moscow, Penza, Tambov, Volgograd, and Zubova Polyana (Republic of Mordovia) trained in Kyokushin basics and kata on competition level with periodical bunkai self-defense explanations and testing of students' kata performances.

The Camp was completed with traditional grading from 10th–1st Kyus.

Shihan Tanyushkin awarded of the Department of Sports of Russia

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On April 11, 2021, a master class with an attestation exam from 10 kyu to 2 dan was held in Moscow, Russia. The seminar was under the leadership of the President-founder of the Kyokushinkai Federation of Russia Shihan Alexandr Tanyushkin (8th dan).

As part of the event, Shihan Tanyushkin was awarded a Certificate of Merit from the Department of Sports of the city of Moscow for his personal contribution to the development of Kyokushinkai.

Results of the IFK Russian Kyokushin Championship 2021

On April 10, 2021, the XXXI IFK Russian Kyokushin Championship was held in Moscow. The competition was attended by 94 fighters from all over Russia.

The chief judge of the competition is Andrey Bura, SVK, Sverdlovsk region, 7th dan.
The chief secretary of the competition is Andrey Khimichenko, SVK, Moscow, 5th dan.

Results of the XXXI IFK Championship of Russia

Men, -70 kg
1st place - Stanislav Nikulin
2nd place - Arthur Krymov
3rd place - Alexandr Tomilov

Men, -80 kg
1st place - Eldar Ismailzade
2nd place - Vitaly Bolotov
3rd place - Sergey Vakhrameev

Men, -90 kg
1st place - Stanislav Mezhevtsov
2nd place - Gnel Aryamyan
3rd place - Maxim Lavrischev

Men, 90+ kg
1st place - Vitaly Ishakhneli
2nd place - Yuri Stroganov
3rd place - Ruslan Samedov

Women, -60 kg
1st place - Natalia Beisembaeva
2nd place - Elizaveta Gromova
3rd place - Ekaterina Shemina

Women, 60+ kg
1st place - Polina Popova
2nd place - Svetlana Tuchkova
3rd place - Elena Zaykovskaya

The IFK held an online International knockdown referee course

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The IFK held an online International knockdown referee course on Saturday 27th March from 14.00 to 17.00. The course was hosted by the IFK Referee Committee chaired by the IFK Chief Referee Shihan Alex Kerrigan assisted by Shihan Andrew Turner, Shihan Anton Gansner, and Shihan Shane Lalor. Unfortunately, Shihan Andrei Bura was unavailable. The following countries participated: Argentina, Belarus, Belgium, Chile, France, Great Britain, Hungary, Holland, Ireland, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Uruguay, Venezuela, and the USA.

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IFK Referee Committee online course is fully booked


The IFK Referee Committee will host an online zoom course on Saturday 27th March at 1400 UK time.

The course is now fully booked with over 50 participants and will be conducted by Kumite Chief Referee Shihan Alex Kerrigan assisted by Shihan’s Andrew Turner, Anton Gansner, and Shane Lalor.

If you wish to participate in future courses please contact your Country Representative.

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“We Are One” III Virtual Kata Tournament – Results And Video


USA-IFK hosted the 3rd “We Are One” Virtual Kata Tournament and here are the results and short video compilation with a few international participants:

A compilation of some of the amazing katas performed at the "We Are One" III, Virtual Kata Tournament.The USA-IFKK extends its gratitude and a Big Osu to all...