IFK European championship is rescheduled


We received an email from Sensei Ismail Yildirim, IFK Country Representative Turkey

Dear All

I hope you are all well, particularly in these troubling times the world is dealing with.

I would like to express my thanks and gratitude for all the support I have received in having to re-schedule the European Championships in Istanbul due to the Coronavirus.

As you know, after consultation with the IFK Board, the tournament has been rescheduled to 2-6 September 2020. The venue, hotels and package price remain the same even though it is peak season in Istanbul. All deposits paid and fighters officially registered will be transferred to the new date.

In re-scheduling, we were able to secure the deposits paid. If we had to cancel then, unfortunately, these would have been lost. I and the organizers have already ordered and paid for trophies, medals, t-shirts, certificates, transfer arrangements and of course the venue. So, to cancel would have been costly for us all.

Flights can hopefully be re-arranged for a fee and as Turkey is going to be canceling all European flights hopefully a full refund will be offered or free amendment.

I hope everyone will remain positive and continue to look forward to what will be a fantastic tournament. We already had nearly 900 competitors registered and with the new date, hopefully, we can attract even more.

We need your support now more than ever. Onwards and upwards.

Time to be United.



Live broadcast of the Russian Kyokushin Championship 2020

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February 29 – March 1, 2020, in Moscow Center of Martial Arts will be held the IFK Russian Championship among men and women (18 years and older) and the IFK Russian Championship among boys and girls (12-13 years old, 14-15 years old) and juniors (16-17 years old) in Kyokushin (Kyokushin-weight category).


Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


IFK Uruguay closes out 2019 with a review

How can we summarize a great year for a small Martial Arts organization?

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We accomplished the main goal of enhancing the training of all our instructors in every IFK technical area as well as with our referees to continue improving the work in the different competition modalities.

We had a competitor training at the highest level in San Paulo in a seminar led by the Russian Kumite National team Coach, Sensei Dimitry Savalyev, organized by IFK Brazil. Two months later, four of our instructors trained at the IFK World Seminar led by the highest ranks of our organization in the Papendal Olympic Complex in The Netherlands.

We held several national intensive weekend training sessions in Dolores and Mercedes as well as special sessions in Montevideo. We enjoyed yet another Summer Camp, the eight held in Uruguay, which by now has already become a classic. Trainings included sessions in the sand dunes, beach, forest and at night surrounding a fire; ending with the promotion of a new kuro obi.

Our National Team competed in five tournaments at national, regional and international level:
- April: IFK Kata World Tournament in Arnhem, organized by IFK Netherlands.
- May: Kanku Cap in Montevideo, organized by Kyokukaikan.
- August: 5th IFK Uruguay National Tournament in Montevideo, organized by IFK Uruguay.
- October: 4th South American Tournament in Valparaíso, organized by IFK Chile
- November: 1st Kenbukai Uruguay Tourament in Pinar, organized by Kenbukai Uruguay.

Lastly, we must highlight the achievement of many student that succeeded in their Kyu gradings during the six exam instances held in Soriano and Montevideo.

With the work and dedication of many, the essential support of our families and the collective spirit which is becoming stronger by the day, we are ready to start 2020 aiming for more.

For all of this, thank you very much to each one of you.

Shidoshi Sean Schenker Named "USA-IFK Chairman of the Board"

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Shihan Michael Monaco (8th Dan) recently announced the next "USA-IFK Chairman of the Board"! Shidoshi Sean Schenker has humbly accepted this new position as of January 1st, 2020.

Earlier this week Shihan Monaco released a letter-writing " It gives me great pleasure to announce Shidoshi Sean Schenker as "USA-IFK Chairman of the Board" beginning Jan 1st, 2020. Shidoshi Schenker comes to us with over 35 years in Martial Arts.  He is a long-time practitioner of many arts including Kyokushin Karate with many years of training with the legendary Soshu Shigeru Oyama, Sensei Frank Clark and Shihan Mike Skinner. In this new role growing and developing the "Next Generation" USA-IFK Organization, he will be working closely with Sensei Dave Sheets (USA-IFK Technical Director) and the USA-IFK Strategy Team to achieve their goals and mission for the organization."

 Shidoshi Schenker not only has many years of learning and living the way of martial arts but also has dedicated himself to teaching others. His martial arts dojo Fighting Spirit Karate (FSK) has thrived with over 250 students located Gardiner, NY. Through hard work and dedication, he assembled a team of elite Coaches and Semi-Contact Teen Fighters to bring home the gold from the 2019 British Open held in London. Many of us have also had the pleasure of attending his annual tournament "The Battle on the Boardwalk" in Atlantic City. This tournament was a great success last year and is promising to be even better this year!

 When accepting his new position, Shidoshi Schenker expressed "I am deeply humbled, honored and grateful to have been asked to move into this new leadership position within the IFK. First, a sincere and humble "Thank You" to Shihan Monaco, Shihan David Pickthall, Hanshi Arneil and all of the USA-IFK dojos and IFK Fight Affiliate dojos for their belief and endorsement of me. " Shidoshi Sean Shencker further states "To say this is a life's dream is simply an understatement. The IFK is an extension of my past and my present, and I am thrilled for the opportunities it will provide students and people of Budo everywhere, both on and off the mat."

We are all looking forward to 2020 and the promise of growth for the USA-IFK and Kyokushin as a whole! OSU!

 Source: uskyokushin.com

IFK Argentina will celebrate 25 years

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IFK Kyokushin Argentina is founded in early 1995, by Julio Romero, today 6th Dan, when he makes contact with Hanshi Steve Arneil, founder and President of "International Federation of Karate-do Kyokushin" (IFK).
Julio Romero began in the Martial Arts at the beginning of 1979, in a system of the so-called traditional ones. Karate system in which it remained for a little more than 7 years. During this period, he obtains some National awards. Having met Kyokushin through the film “The strongest Karate”, he joins to Kyokushin KaiKan Argentina, in these moment directed by Sensei Jorge Raúl Arturo, Representative in Argentina of “International Kyokushin Karate-do Kyokushin kai Kan” (IKO), introducer of Kyokushin in the country. He remained in this organization for a little more than 8 years. During this period of time, he served in different tournaments, sometimes as a competitor,
sometimes as a referee, and always as teacher and coach. He participated in many courses, trained karatekas for National, South American Tournaments (Chile ‘87; Uruguay ‘89); 4th World Japan ‘87.

In 1988 he organized the reception in Buenos Aires of Akiyoshin Matsui (consecrated World Champion in the 4th Kyokushin World Championship in Japan), who arrived accompanied by Shihan Yuzo Goda, Seiji Isobe, Ademir Da Costa.

In 1994 he participated as a coach in the so-called Mundialito Oyama, a posthumous tribute to Sosai Oyama, held in São Paulo, organized by Shihan Seiji Isobe.

In 1995, he joined IFK Kyokushin, founded by Hanshi Steve Arneil. The same year IFK Kyokushin Argentina is founded. In 2020, the 25th anniversary of IFK Argentina will be celebrated. During these 25 years, they have participated in deferents Kyokushin IFK events, courses and competitions: 1997, 1st IFK Kyokushin World Championship in Russia; 1998, Africa Open (2nd Place); 1999,1st IFK Kyokushin World Championship, Switzerland; 1999, 3rd European Kumite Championship (3rd place); 2011, World Children's Championship, England; 2013, 4th IFK World Championship, England; 2016, 3rd World Seminar of Black Belts IFK Kyokushin.

Julio Romero was graduated to 6th Dan by Hanshi Steve Arneil, in person. 2016 1st Kata South American Championship, “Argentina 2016”, 1st place for children; 1st position novices, 1st position experts "brown and black belts"; 1st place children team; 1st place adult novices: 1st place adult team experts. 1st U21 South American Championship, Uruguay 2018, 1st place male cadets (16-17 years old); 3rd place junior ladies (13-15 years old). Chile South American Championship 2019, 1st place light category adults; 2nd place youth category, lightweight ladies; 4th place light youth ladies.

IFK Argentina has participated in many courses around the world, directed by Hanshi Steve Arneil: Russia and England ‘97; South Africa ’98 (Kumite); Switzerland ‘99 (kata), Spain ‘99 (Kumite);

Argentina 2000, Summer Camp Argentina (1st Summer Camp IFK in South America, directed by Hanshi Steve Arneil); Argentina 2001, 2nd Summer Camp in Argentina directed by Hanshi Steve Arneil; Argentina 2001 (Course with Shihan Jeff Wybrow); Switzerland 2001, 1st World Seminar of black belts IFK Kyokushin; Argentina 2002 (course with Shihan Eduard Gabathuler Representative of IFK Switzerland, and Tomas Imm, at that time representative of IFK Germany); Switzerland 2004, 2nd World Seminar of Black Belts IFK; Switzerland 2008 Summer Camp IFK Switzerland, and Kata international Tournament; Kobudo courses in Paris, France; IFK Great Britain International Summer Camp (British Karate Kyokushin Kai); Argentina 2009, 3rd Summer Camp directed by Hanshi Steve Arneil.

2011, England. Juniors World Championship; 2013, England, Youth, and Adults IFK World Championship; 2013, Argentina, visit to Argentina Senseis Dolores Jaros, and André Emmeneger, Runners-up of the World in Kata. Classes taught by both to IFK Argentina students; 2013 Referee Course 1st World KWU Sofia, Bulgaria; 2018 12th Summer Camp KWU, Kamchia, Bulgaria; 2019 1st Summer Camp KWU, Argentina directed by Shihan Alexander Pichkunov, Secretary General Kyokushin World Unión (KWU).

2020, 25th anniversary.

IFK Kyokushin Argentina closes the 2019 season with a successful balance in many aspects

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IFK Argentina has started the year 2019 with a high-level event, such as the first Summer Camp KWU in South America, held in Argentina, Chile, and Brazil. Shihan Julio Romero was responsible for coordinating this international visit, receiving in our country illustrious Masters, such as the Secretary General of KWU, Sensei Alexander Pichkinov, and Sensei Dmitry Savelyev, both Kyokushin World Champions. We also received karatekas from other regions of Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia. It was undoubtedly an event of great hierarchy that we hope to repeat.

On the other hand, IFK Argentina completes the training of our students of the subsidiary of the Province of San Juan, in charge of Instructor Roberto Putelli. IFK Argentina continues the preparation of our young karatekas, athletes with a view to the IFK Kyokushin South American Championship, held in Valparaíso, Chile, organized by Sensei Germán Carú.

The participation of the IFK Argentina youth team in the Continental Tournament could not be more auspicious. Jerónimo Romero consecrated South American Champion in lightweight category adults (18 years old): Paloma Romero, South American Junior Runner-up, Lightweight Ladies category (16 years old); Mariana Bosch, 4th place (15 years), same category.

After these important International events, the degree exams arrived. Jerónimo Romero was examined to his 2º Dan, and he approved all his Kyokushin items successfully (Kihon from 10º kyu to Nidan, all katas of the system, special exercises of stamina, skill, power, and Kumite) We will end this season with a training seminar for our Instructors and students of the IFK branch in the Province of Entre Ríos.

IFK Argentina looks forward to next year with as much and good activity as the year that ends. It will be a very special year, since in 2020, IFK Kyokushin Argentina will turn 25, under the leadership of Shihan Julio Romero 6º Dan (who will turn 33 in Kyokushin, 8 in IKO, 25 in IFK), and the unconditional support and work of a small group of students of the first hour of the foundation of IFK Argentina. They are, Shihan María Laura López Goñi, Sensei Mariano Porcel and Doctor Víctor Varone (legal advisor), Doctor Pablo Albina. We look forward to celebrating at a Kyokushin event where we can share with colleagues, students, and friends.

Throughout these 25 years, IFK Argentina participated in many seminars around the world under the direction of Hanshi Steve Arneil; Also in Championships, South American, and Kyokushin World Cups for children, youth and adults (ladies and men). In 2011 a new chapter began in Kyokushin with the creation of Kyokushin World Union (KWU). In 2013, Shihan Julio participates as a referee in the first KWU World Championship, held in Sofia, Bulgaria. Then came more responsibilities related to KWU, KWU Tournament in Chile 2016. 2018 Coordinator of trainers Kyokushin South America in Summer Camp Kamchia, Bulgaria. He also coordinates the first KWU tour in the South American continent directed by Secretary General Alexander Pichkunov and Sensei Dmitry Savelyev.

2020 will be a year to celebrate, share and continue adding friends. IFK Argentina wishes in this new year to face new challenges and continue growing in the Kyokushin.

2019 IFK Canada Year In Review

IFK Canada is pleased to share our year in review. Over the past months, we have had many outstanding accomplishments, and while we are proud of our work in all of these areas, below are a few we are especially proud of, as we continue our efforts to boost IFK Kyokushin in Canada.

 As just a few examples of our activities this year, we hosted seminars with International guest instructors and took part in many National and International events. Where our teams took place, we did IFK proud, by continuously making the podium and demonstrating the strength and skills of the organization.

 IFK Americas Cup

 During the weekend of March 1-3, the IFK Canada Team lead by Sensei Steve Fogarasi and Assistant Coach Oleg Vainshtein, along with Sensei Jonathan Hémond, who refereed the “Knock-down” fights, took part in the 1st IFK Americas Cup at the 43rd Battle of Columbus - Arnold Martial Arts World Games, Columbus Ohio, USA.

 The team performed exceptionally, and the results reflect that:

 Kata Individual

- Quinlan Van 1st Place

- Kyla Van 1st Place

- Connor Van 2nd Place

- Tony Wu 2nd Place 

  Kata Teams

- Quinlan, Kyla, Connor 1st Place

  Kumite Semi-contact

- Tony Wu 1st Place

  Kumite Full-contact

- Pavel Patrushev 1st Place

 IFK World Seminar / 5th Kata IFK World Championship

IFK Canada Team had the privilege to participate in the IFK World Seminar / 5th Kata IFK World Championship 2019, organized by the organizing committee of the IFK Netherlands. This IFK international event was held at the Athletic Sports Center of Papendal, Arnhem, Netherlands, from Wednesday, April 24 to Saturday, April 27, 2019. This enriching opportunity brought together more than 28 countries around the world for the seminar and 22 countries represented at the world championship.

 There were more than 100 participants at the 5th IFK kata world championship. The IFK Canada delegation was represented by Sensei Steve Fogarasi (coach and country representative), Senseï Jonathan C. Hémond (seminar and competitor), Natália Aragao (seminar), Kyla, Connor and Quinlan Van (seminar and competitors). 

 IFK Canada had the youngest team with Connor being the youngest in the boys juniors division at age 12 and Kayla the 2nd youngest girls juniors division at age 14. Also Quinlan was the youngest participant at the seminar at age 10 only.

Senseï Jonathan C. Hémond ranked 32nd, Kyla place 12 and Connor ranked in the top 16! 

 4th Kyokushin Seminar - Shihan Eddy Gabathuller

 The 4th Kyokushin Karate Seminar, with special guest instructor Shihan Eduard (Eddy) Gabathuler 7th Dan, the national representative of IFK Switzerland, was organized by IFK Vice President Sensei Jonathan C. Hemond of Karate Laval, and sponsored by IFK Canada. We welcomed more than 75 participants and took place May 16th to 19th.

 During the seminar testing to place for many Kyu ranks, black belt Dan grads.

 Following their participation in this testing, some students also received their official IFK certificates and belts handed out by Sensei Steve Fogarasi, IFK Canada President and Country Representative.

 A special event was also the promotion and awarding 6th Dan for Shihan Real Gagnon and Shihan Gaetan Sauve.

 2019 Centre de Karate Rimouski - Summer Camp

 On June 8-9, a traditional kyokushin karate summer camp was held in Rimouski, Quebec. The camp was lead by Shihan Real Gagnon 6th Dan.

2019 IFK Canada Kyokushin Seminar 

September 6-8, 2019, IFK Canada Headquarters - Contact Kicks Dojo, led by President Sensei Steve Fogarasi, hosted a seminar with Special Guest Shihan Alexey Gorokhov, 5th Dan Russia IFK.

 Shihan Alexey Gorokhov is a member of the head referring comity of IFK Russia, Head of the methodology comity of the professional league of Kyokushin in Russia, with many students who are top 3 and champions of Russian, Euro and World tournaments. His own accomplishments are well known, and include:

 - Champion of Russia (99, 03, 04, 13).

- Russian Cup Champion (01,06)

- European Cup Champion

- World Cup Champion no weight division in Japan

- North American Champion

 We had over 60 participants from Toronto, Laval, Montreal, and the United States. Special thank you to Sensei Jonathan C. Hemond from Karate Laval and IFK Canada Vice-President, Sensei Mikhail Zimerman from Montreal, Sensei Pascal Hemond from Laval and not lastly Shihan Mike Monaco 7th Dan Country Representative IFK USA.

 His seminar was methodically put together, with one class a prerequisite for the following class and one building to the next, which ultimately culminated with the last day focusing on how to put the principles together in Kumite.

 Everyone was extremely impressed by this true master of Kyokushin, his abilities and knowledge, great teaching methods, and not to mention a true gentleman who is approachable and friendly and performs all examples with a smile.

 29th American-International Karate Championships

 October 19th, competitors from Contact Kicks Dojo Toronto, the Headquarters for IFK Canada attended the 29th Annual American-International Karate Championships in Rochester NY, organized by USA IFK.

 Our team had 12 members, 9 competitors in both divisions, kata and kumite, 1 assistant coach and photographer Oleg Vainshtein and IFK Canada President Steve Fogarasi as head coach and country representative. From Karate Laval, Sensei Jonathan C Hemond attended as a referee.



 - Pavel Patrushev 1st kumite semi-contact; 2nd kata

 - Tony Wu 1st kata

 - Roxana Trifan 1st kata

 - Mici Fogarasi 4th kata

 - Daniel Zelentsov 2nd kumite semi-contact


 - Robert Fogarasi 2nd kata

 - Quinlan Van 1st kata, 2nd kumite

 - Connor Van 1st kata

 - Kyla Van 1st kata, 2nd kumite

 - Van Family - 2nd in family kata division

 Black Belt Testing at the Headquarters in Toronto

 The last event to close out the year was Kyokushin Karate testing for Kyu Belts and Dan Ranks at the Headquarters in Toronto. Kids testing was held December 8th, and Adults December 15th.

 The Adults testing ran all day, ending in the afternoon with Kumite (fighting) for those testing in higher kyu ranks, and those testing for Shodan. As well  Senpai Mici Fogarasi who tested for her Nidan.

 - Kyu ranks fought 10 rounds

-1st Degree Black Belt - Shodan 30 rounds

- 2nd Degree Black Belt - Nidan 40 rounds

 1st Degree Black Belt (Shodan) were awarded to Sergei Fukuro, Scott Heaney, Oleg Vainshtein and Alex Burnaru. Mici Fogarasi receiving her 2nd Degree Black Belt (Nidan)

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 The Year Ahead

 This year, and every year, the efforts of the IFK Canada executive committee, students, dojos, Senpai, Sensei and Shihans has had a direct, positive impact on Kyokushin, both locally and internationally. At IFK Canada, rather than just theorize about change, we also work on the ground, in collaboration with other dojos, to contributed to the growth and success of IFK Canada. We are building with everyone an active organization in Canada and a more inclusive Kyokushin organization.

 We’d like to thank the many people across IFK Canada who has generously contributed their time this year, in helping us build the organization and exceed our goals.

 We have many activities, seminars, and tournaments on the roster for the New Year, and IFK Canada will continue to grow. Still, none of it is possible without you, the students, members, and participants. We generously thank all of you for your contributions, and we couldn’t be prouder. 

 2020 will be even better!


Yerevan Cup 2019

On December 22, Yerevan Cup was held with the participation of sportsmen of different age groups in kata and kumite. Representatives of the younger generation of the Kyokushin karate federation of Armenia performed admirably, demonstrating the technical skills and knowledge learned through the great dedication of their trainers. Mher Gevorgyan, Torgom Asatryan and Gevorg Gevorgyan, who are currently serving in the special forces of the Armenian Army, also participated in the tournament. They fought the sportsmen from Iran, demonstrating brilliant victories, giving the audience great admiration and pride.

17th IFK Kuwait Seminar with Shihan Nick Da Costa 7th Dan

IFK Kuwait completed their 17th training camp with Shihan Nick Da Costa , held between the 5th to 7th of Dec 2019.

The experience and depth of knowledge which was presented contributed to having another successful camp for IFK Kuwait.

One of the IFK Kuwait members who went for grading during the 2019 black belt grading in the BKK Summer camp and was not successful did a second attempt during the seminar here in Kuwait, and as explained by Shihan in previous e-mail, we are glad he managed to pass this time.

Open Balkan Championship 2019 successful

Competitors from Israel, Iran, Turkey, Greece, Serbia, Romania, Ukraine, Russia and Bulgaria participated.

358 athletes of all ages participated in the Kumite. 72 competitors of all ages participated in Kata, and Tameshivari a total of 9 competitors participated.


men up to 70 kg

1.Nikolay Zhotev - Kyokushin Khan Bulgaria

2.Cetin Mohammed - IFK Turkey

3.Sabo Florin IFK Romania

3.Kaloyan Georgiev - Kyokushin kan Bulgaria



men up to 80 kg

1.Atanas Lichev - Kyokushin kan Bulgaria

2.Rusko Valchev - Kyokushin kan Bulgaria

3.Veselin Buzin - IFK Bulgaria

3.Mahdi Esfandiarpour - IFK Iran



men up to 90 kg

1.Jalayan Mahdi - IFK Iran

2.Genadi Stoev - Kyokushin kan Bulgaria

3.Muharrem Furkan - IFK Turkey

3.Ivailo Ivanov - Kyokushin kan Bulgaria



men +90 kg

1.Aleksandar Komanov - Kyokushin kan Bulgaria

2.Vasil Dimitrov - Kyokushin kan Bulgaria

3.Krisrtiyan Kostadinov - Kyokushin kan Bulgaria



women up to 60 kg

1.Bekicheva  Anastasia - IFK Russia

2.Evalina Derevenska - Kyokushin kan Bulgaria

3.Merav Ziv - IFK Israel



women + 60 kg

1.Filatova Maria- IFK Russia

2.Gyach Anastasia- IFK Russia

3. Iva Toshkova - IFK Bulgaria

3.Mariya- Eliza Mineva - IFK Bulgaria



veterans men

1. Georgi Geshev - IFK Bulgaria

2.Frants Slavinskii - IFK Russia

3.Soia peter Alexandru - IFK Romania




1.Konstantin Siranchiev- IFK Russia

2.Yakir Levi -IFK Israel

3.Nikita Tsiplakov - IFK Russia




1.Merav Ziv - IFK Israel

2.Stefania Gklara - WKB Greece

3.Frasie Andrea- IFK Romania



men - 80 kg

1.Veselin Buzin - IFK Bulgaria - 12

2.Nikita Tsiplakov - IFK Russia - 8



men + 80 kg

1.Frants Slavinskii - IFK Russia - 15

1.Mahsud Darvish - IFK Iran - 15

2.Dinko Farazov - IFK Bulgaria - 11

3.Bogdan Bonev - IFK Bulgaria - 10

3. Georgi Stankov - IFK Bulgaria - 10

IFK Brazil Internal Championship

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IFK Brazil shared the news:

On November 24th was held in the Hombu of IFK Brazil, under the coordination of Shihan Jeovaldo Barreto the internal Kyokushin Karate Championship, in the modalities of kata and Kumite (Kids with assistant) for children of different ages.

We also had categories for adults’ colorful belts.

Congratulations to all who attended and brought their brightness to more this event of 2019.


Results WFKO Grand-Prix Russia 2019


FIGHT WFKO 40, Weight category up to 75 kg

WINNER Artem Nazaretyan (score 5-0)

FIGHT WFKO 41, Weight category up to 80 kg

WINNER Aneli Madlala (score 2-1)

FIGHT WFKO 42, Weight category up to 85 kg

WINNER Stanislav Mezhevtsov (score 3-0)

Dynamic and vibrant fights blew up the audience in the sports hall. The support of the audience and the skill of the athletes made the evening in Suzdal unforgettable. For the first time, Stanislav Mezhevtsov (IFK Russia) and Aneli Madlala (KI South Africa) entered the professional tatami and won the WFKO belts. Artem Nazaretyan (IFK Russia) confidently defeated the already famous fighter in the professional league Daniel Redondo (Spain) and won the WFKO GARAND-PRIX RUSSIA 2019 belt in an uncompromising battle.

WFKO GRAND-PRIX RUSSIA - 2019 will be broadcast live

Dear friends, the online broadcast of the WFKO GRAND-PRIX RUSSIA - 2019 tournament in Suzdal will take place on the WFKO TV channel. The tournament starts at 18:00 Moscow time, 12th of October (Saturday)

Уважаемые друзья, онлайн трансляция турнира WFKO GRAND-PRIX RUSSIA - 2019 в городе Суздаль состоится на TV канале WFKO. Начало турнира 18:00 по Московскому времени.


Weight category up to 75 kg

Artem Nazaretyan

1st place World Championship;

1st place European Championship;

1st place Russian Championship

Daniel Redondo

1st place Open Britain (iFK) 2018;

1st place European Championship (KWU) 2018;

2nd place European Championship (Rengokai) 2019

WFKO belt holder


Weight category up to 80 kg

Kizov Andrey

1st place Russian Cup 2017;

1st place All-Russian Shihan Cup 2017;

1st place Championship of the Volga Federal District 2017

Madlala Anele

1st place So-Kyokushin 2016;

1st place Kyokushin-Kan Len Barnes Memorial Tournament 2017;

1st place AFCKO 2017;

1st place AFCKO 2018


Weight category up to 85 kg

Stanislav Mezhevtsov

1st place KWU World champion 2017;

2nd place Russian Championship;

3rd place Russian Cup

Miyahara Jo

3rd place World Cup (KWF) 2018;

1st place Kyokushin-kan (All Japan) 2018 *

1st place Karate Grand Prix (KWF) 2019

Holder of two WFKO belts

4 Shihans received new belts from the hands of Hanshi Steve Arneil

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October 5, 2019 in Crawley, United Kingdom, during the opening ceremony of the 43rd British Open / 11th Cup of Europe, Hanshi Steve Arneil - President of the IFK, 10.Dan - handed belts to heads of Russian Kyokushin organization: Shihan Alexander Tanyushkin received a belt and a certificate for 8.Dan, Shihan Mikhail Gyach, and Shihan Andrei Bura 7. Dan.

Also, Shihan Mike Monaco IFK USA being promoted to 8.Dan

Who else got their Black belts on official ceremony, you can see here:

IFK Fighters for the 12th WKO World Open championship 2019


In 1 month, 6 IFK fighters will take part in one of the most prestigious events in the karate world: The 12th World Karate championship 2019, which will be held on November 9-10, Musashino Forest Sports Plaza, Tokyo, Japan.

The organizer of this famous event is WKO Shinkyokushinkai and according to the agreement of cooperation among KWU and WKO our fighters will participate again as in the previous one. We wish good luck to all the participants! Ganbatte kudasai! Osu!

Here are the names:

  • Rosin Jonas (Sweden) - 2017 KWU World Championship 2nd place; 2018 IFK European Championship 1st place; 2017 IFK World Championship 2nd place

  • Markwell Emma (Great Britain) - 2018 & 2019 IFK Cup of Europe 1st place; 2019 European Championships Kumite 1st place; 2013, 2015, 2017 KWU World Championships Kumite 2nd place

  • Drozd Aleksandr (Russia) - 2018 European Championship KWU 1st place; 2017 World Championship 1st place; 2016 World Cup 1st place

  • Lilyakov Artem (Russia) - 2018 Europe championship 1st place; 2018 European cup 2nd place; 2018 Russian championship 2nd place

  • Belyaev Victor (Russia) - 2017 World championship 1st place; 2018 European cup 2nd place

  • Doronina Ksenia (Russia) - 2019 Russian Championship 1st place; 2017 World Youth Championship IFK 1st place

Major Coach of the KWU team is Shihan David Pickthall 

Here are the draws in both divisions:



Armenian Cup 2019

On April 7, Kyokushin Karate Federation of Armenia headed by IFK BC Andranik Hakobyan held its annual "Armenian Cup" in Ashtarak city.


The prize winners of this championship will have an opportunity to take part in “Grand Prix” International Championship to be held in Yerevan on April 21.

IFK Uruguay Summer Camp 2019

The 8th Uruguay Summer Camp was held in the Military Vacation facilities in Salinas on March 15, 16 & 17.
The Summer Camp was organized by the Uruguayan Kyokushin Kai Association A.K.K.U., and technically led by Sensei Germán Carballo 4th Dan (Uruguay IFK Country Representative).

With over 30 participants, all the dojos from Uruguay were present, including students and instructors from Montevideo, Canelones, Soriano and Salto.

Nine trainings took place focusing on technique as well as physical conditioning and strengthening in several different locations including the beach (both in the water and sand), the woods, as well as indoor. A special technical training for advanced grades (as from 3rd kyu) was held covering advanced katas.

As usual, the Camp included KYU and KURO OBI (1st dan) gradings, the 20-kumite challenge for Kuro Obis who successfully obtained their 1st dan during 2018, and the addition of the 25-kumite challenge for Ni Dans.


As an organization, A.K.K.U. is proud to present the new grades: 

- Clara Monteiro (Red 10th Kyu)

- Victoria Villano (Blue 8th Kyu)

- Agustina Latorre (Blue 8th Kyu)

- Juliana Latorre (Blue 8th Kyu)

- Mauricio Nesteruk (Blue 7th Kyu) 

- Fátima Parra (Yellow 6th Kyu)

- Oscar Pricoli (Yellow 6th Kyu)

- Gabriel Fernandez (Yellow 6th Kyu)

- Juan Pablo Bianchi (Green 4th Kyu)

- Guzman Centurión (Green 3rd Kyu)

- César Acosta (Black 1st Dan)

The kuro obis (1st Dan) who succeeded in the 20 Kumite challenge during the camp were as follows: 

- Senpai Alvaro Nuñez

- Senpai Gonzalo Bentancur

- Senpai César Acosta

Kuro Obis (2nd Dan) who succeeded in the 25 Kumite challenge were:

- Senpai Noelia Fabre
- Senpai Santiago Mosco  

 A.K.K.U. would like to thank the everyone's effort to be a part of this event.


IFK Uruguay Annual Meeting

On December 16th, 2018, IFK Uruguay held its final annual meeting to review the 2018 program and define the agenda and priorities for 2019. The meeting was chaired by Sensei Germán Carballo, President of A.K.K.U. (Uruguayan Kyokushin Kai Organization) and IFK Country Representative in Uruguay.

IFK Uruguay Annual 1.jpg

Attendees included:
- Senpai María Rocío Gonzalez – A.K.K.U. Secretary
- Senpai Santiago Mosco – A.K.K.U. Vice-president 
- Senpai Noelia Fabre - A.K.K.U. Treasurer
- Claudia López - A.K.K.U. International Contact
- Senpai Mario Hornos – Coordinator for Soriano
- Senpai Maite De León – Coordinator for Canelones
- Senpai Gozalo Díaz – Coordinator for Salto

Uruguay Annual 2019 2.jpg

First item in the agenda was the report on the 2018 plan, which was successfully completed; followed by administrative matters, including goals for 2019.

The meeting continued with key highlights of the agenda, including:
- 8th IFK Uruguay Summer Camp, to be held in March 2019
- IFK World Seminar and Kata Championship in April 2019, with IFK Uruguay attendance and participation already confirmed.

Additional activities with dates to be scheduled included:
- National Tournament
- Kuro Obi and Kiu exams
- Kuro Obi special training sessions
- Regional seminars 
- Referee training sessions

2019 Agenda will be communicated soon! www.ifk-uruguay.com

Zahari Damyanov UK seminar

On the 23rd February 2019, Sensei Zahari Damyanov, the current absolute World Champion was in London to lead an open seminar hosted by the BKK’s Sensei Hristo Lyubenov at his Ichi Geki dojo in Bounds Green, alongside BKK Chairman and IFK Secretary General, Shihan Liam Keaveney.

The seminar was attended by a number of Kyokushin groups (BKK, IFK, Kyokushin-kan, Shinkyokushin,IKO1, KWU, EMAR) all with a common goal of knowledge sharing, developing Kyokushinkai, and building strong friendships old and new.

(L-R) Shihan Liam Keaveney, Sensei Zahari Damyanov, Sensei Hristo Lyubenov

(L-R) Shihan Liam Keaveney, Sensei Zahari Damyanov, Sensei Hristo Lyubenov

Sensei Zarahi Damyanov with BKK National Coaches Sensei Kenny Jarvis, and Sensei Wai Cheung

Sensei Zarahi Damyanov with BKK National Coaches Sensei Kenny Jarvis, and Sensei Wai Cheung