Soshu Shigeru Oyama - RIP

Sad news for Kyokushin historians, Soshu Shigeru Oyama passed away last night. He was a pioneer in honbu at the start of Kyokushin in the 60's. He was the 3rd man to complete the 100 man test and became the head Shihan in Kyokushin after the departure of Tadashi Nakamura.

In 1981 he left Kyokushin to start World Oyama Karate with its headquarters in New York where he was based.

When the IFK started we had an active relationship with the World Oyama Organisation participating in their European Championships and their US Championships in Alabama. They also regularly travelled to the British Open and our other International events.
Our thoughts are with Soshu Oyama's family


Doping results from the 2015 KWU World Championship. 6 Fighters stripped of titles.

The Organizing Committee of the 2nd KWU Kyokushin World Championship among men and women in weight categories held last October in Khabarovsk announces results of the doping testing.

During the Championship 56 Samples were taken from the athletes prize-winners to test them on usage of prohibited substances taken for better results.  After all the necessary procedures involved in this process, decision made of the Supreme Judge of the 2nd KWU Kyokushin World Championship in Khabarovsk, by Shihan Yuri Trutnev are as follows...

Click here to see results

Anna Virabyan - World champion -55kg the 2nd KWU championship 2015

Anna Virabyan - World champion -55kg the 2nd KWU championship 2015

The Formation of IFK South America

ifk south america gi.jpg

The country representatives of region formed the IFK South American Committee with the aim to develop the IFK Kumite, Kata and Clicker events. The participants were Mr. Jeovaldo Barreto (IFK Brazil), with his assistant, Sensei Felipe Canal; Sensei Germán Carballo (IFK Uruguay) and Shihan Julio Romero from IFK Argentina.

Two new 7th Dan promotions at Swiss Summer Camp with Hanshi

Congratulations to country representative Shihan Eduard Gabathuler and Shihan Klaus Ming on promotion by Hanshi Steve Arneil to the rank of 7th Dan at the Swiss summer camp. Well done to all other yudansha who received promotions.

The camp was held in Willisua under the guidance of Hanshi Steve Arneil and the IFK Switzerland chief instructors.  It was a successful camp focusing on all aspects of IFK kihon kata and kumite. Thanks to all other IFK countries that also took part.

2nd KWU Kyokushin World Championships

The IFK is proud to announce the 2nd KWU Kyokushin World Championship among men and women weight categories will be held in Khabarovsk, Russia on 3-4th October, 2015.

Representatives of National Federations, who have passed national qualifying championships with calling in all interested Kyokushin groups in a particular country at age 18 years and above, with a style qualification not less than 4th kyu are able to participate in the World Championship.

The time and place of the National Qualifying championships are defined jointly by the representatives of the international organsations listed in the "Members" section on

IFK Greece to host U21 World Tournament in 2015

Due to the instability in the region the IFK, following discussions IFK Israel Country Representative Shihan Itzik Ashkenazi, have decided it is in the best interests of the event we move the U21 World Tournament to an alternative venue. 

Fortunately two countries IFK Greece and IFK Romania proposed to take on this event and after careful consideration Greece has been selected to host the event.

Country Representative Sensei Stefanos Tranidis has set up an event team and they are busy preparing a website and all related information. The event will still be on the 21st March 2015 at the Micra Sports Centre in Thessaloniki, Greece. The official hotel will be the Nikopolis. The same regulations will apply for this event except that IFK Israel and IFK Greece will get host nation entry quota of double participants.

We hope to have all information circulated by mid October.

Hanshi thanks Shihan Itzik and his team for all the hard work prior to this change.

Another great British Summer camp held in Felsted, Essex

Hanshi and his team of top BKK instructors held another successful adult and junior summer camp in Felsted, Essex.

Students were taken through kihon and bunkai and kumite.  An evening seminar with our Italian country representative Sensei Andrea Stoppa on basic BJJ skills.

A national and camp grading was also held for those attempting high grades including the promotion of three new third dans.

Inter Regional "Bushido Mon" Summer Camp 2014 - Russia

On the 25th June – 2nd July on the “Komponent” base near Moscow there was held Inter-regional “Bushido Mon” Summer Camp with Shihan Victor Fomin (VI Dan), assistant instructor– Sensei Yulia Tseytlina (IV Dan).

There were 70 participants from Moscow (sport clubs “Bushido Mon”, “Severny”, “Shiroi Tora”, “Bercut”, “Delta”, “Lefortovo”),Moscow region (Podolsk, Schelkovo), Tula, Gai (Orenburg region), Shihany(Saratov region). The Guest of Honour was Shihan Eddy Gabathuler (Country Representative of Switzerland, VI Dan) with his student Andreas Janka (2nd kyu).

8 hours a day training was concentrated on Budo karate – detailed learning of the IFK Syllabus combined with self-defense. The last one included bare hands and weapons training: Bo, Knife, Jawara with Shihan Victor Fomin and Tonfa with Shihan Eddy Gabathuler. Sayonara training session was traditionally dedicated to sword tameshigiri.

Summer camp and seminars held in Romania and Turkey

Two seminars were held last weekend - May 30th  to June 1st.

Country Representative Christen Herman Hirsh organised an open seminar in Sibiu, Romania with Hanshi Arneil assisted by Shihan Eddy Gabathuler.  For more Romania photos visit our Facebook album.

 Meanwhile in Turkey Country Representative Omer Salih Cengiz and Ismail Yildirim conducted an IFK seminar with 275 participants.